The Best Shea Whigham Quotes

Moe: Only an intellectual could believe something so stupid.

Amanda: Hey. I'm Amanda.
Ray: This the girl we've been hearing so much about?
Amanda: What?
Neal: No, I'm not talking about her. Shut the fuck up Ray.

Gloria: Sheriff, I hear you... I do... I'm not trying to stir things up.
Moe: No, I think you are. I think you got resentments over being made to cow, kiss the ring... I had boys like you in the service. I'd tell them to go right, they go left. All of them, to a man, went home in a bag.
Gloria: Well, I'm home already, so I'm gonna spend a few more days on this one, see how it goes.

Degas: [In French, politely] Ladies and gentlemen. Excuse me.
Briggs: [Holds up pistol and cocks it] Everybody out!

Moe: See? Simple things... Cause and effect, crime and punishment... Mash a potato, you know what you get?... Mashed potatoes.

Neal: Look, if I ever want to be principal again, I got to be popular. Wish you guys could be supportive and understand that.
Ray: Hume said "Patriotism and popularity are the beaten road to power and tyranny."
Neal: See? I knew Ray would understand.

Moe: What's his name, again?
Detective: George.
Moe: His last name, asshat.
Detective: Stussy... George Stussy.

Brian: [when asked whether he got a lead for the on-going case] I got a name. David Park.
Agent: That's it? A name? I could throw a fortune cookie and it will go through the window of 50 David Parks.
FBI: [about the name] It's Korean. Not Chinese.

Degas: What if he had a good reason?
Briggs: Who?
Degas: Hunt. What if he had a good reason to go rogue?
Briggs: They always go rogue. Him and his merry band of prankster circus freaks.

Peter: Is it enough for most men in your experience?
Maddy: I don't know. I... I don't have any experience with men.

Peter: You are a wonderful girl. Smart, resourceful, beautiful. And you will accomplish whatever... whatever you set your heart on. You have grown up to be an extraordinary young woman. You're the daughter of any father's dreams. I am very, very, *very* proud of you, Madeline.
Maddy: [narrating] And in that moment, something shifted. Watching the genius walk away from me, I felt released, split open. His words had been transformational. Suddenly, I'm finally grown up.
[to Peter walking away]
Maddy: Wait!

Sniper's: Boss ain't gonna like this. What are we gonna tell him?
Sniper: Oops...