The Best James Heathridge Quotes

James: I murdered an innocent.
Catherine: Even white knights have their dark days. You're a vanishing breed, James. My son, a hero from a different time. Only one wife remains. I'm sure of it. If you don't kill her, who will?
James: No one.
Catherine: Kill her.
Catherine: Kill her.

Catherine: My son. You've been so brave.
James: I have no fear.
Catherine: You will. The wives will be stronger.
James: It's an honor to be chosen defender.
Catherine: An honor and a curse for this family. Regardless, it is our sacred duty. Be vigilant. Never let your guard down. Send a warning. Show them our strength. Be ruthless and destroy them before they destroy us.
James: I will.
James: I promise.

Lara: Is she...
James: She's one of them. An innocent will die before the wise, but a devil's wife will surely rise.

James: Lara is beginning to question our mission. I can't control her anymore.
Catherine: She's 16, which means she's at a vulnerable stage. The Devil will take notice of her now.
James: What do I do?
Catherine: My poor noble James, you'll have to strike first if you want to save those you love.