20 Best James Herriot Quotes

Helen: Almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on
Tristan: What?
James: Nothing.

James: She's getting married to Hugh tomorrow.
Anne: And yet here she is, night before her wedding, up in the high dales with your sorry-looking face.

James: I have *never* in my *life* seen such an appalling display of unsportsmanlike and downright *criminal* behavior! If anyone should be ashamed, it's you lot!

James: [walking up to his and Helen's smoke-filled room] Is something on fire?
Helen: [nonchalantly as she waves the smoke away] Just dinner.

James: He seems like a nice chap.
Mrs. Hall: He does. He *is*

James: [to Siegfried and Tristan upon, at the last minute, pulling up to the church for Helen's wedding] I missed it.
Tristan: [with a mischievous grin] Oh, did you ever.

Tristan: I saw that look.
James: It's nothing.
Tristan: Now I am intrigued.

Tristan: Staying for the wedding or is it all too heartbreaking?
James: I couldn't be happier for Helen... and Hugh.
Tristan: Don't you just sound it.

Helen: Swear she's like a sheepdog but with half the sense.
James: My mother used to despair at my mucking about with animals. Still does.
Helen: She's me sister.

Mrs: And who is this delight?
James: James Herriot. Mr. Farnon's new assistant.
Mrs: It's true what I've been hearing. You are a handsome devil.

James: I'll be back to see you soon... The calf!
James: To remove the cast from its leg.
James: In a couple of months... weeks!

Siegfried: We've been robbed!
James: Shall I call the police?

James: Have you traveled far?
Tristan: Edinburgh. Been at veterinary college.
James: Training to be a vet?
Tristan: No, electrician.

Helen: Most of the time, it's getting him to stop that's the trouble.
James: In my experience, that's often the way.
Helen: Really?
James: With *bulls*

Helen: Did you see the way she were looking at him? They're still so...
James: Full of love?

Marjorie: Well if you allot for his shoes.
James: Yes, I have, but as you can see, he's well over thirteen hands. He's actually almost fourteen hands.

James: Has anyone ever told you how insufferable you are?
Siegfried: Not to my face, no.

Tristan: What you need is a date. Tomorrow evening.
James: You're not really my type.

Chestnut: What about the shoes? You've got to allot for the shoes!
James: Yes, I have, but. He doesn't have any shoes!

James: So have you had your invitation yet?
Tristan: What invitation?
James: Tea with the parents.