The Best Jason Whyte Quotes

Jake: [Narrating] In cryo, you don't dream at all. It doesn't *feel* like six years - more like a fifth of Tequila and an ass kicking. Tommy was a scientist, not me. He was the one who wanted to get shot light years out in space to find the answers.
Jake: Are we there yet?
Cryo: Yeah, we're there sunshine... We're there.
[Scene changes to morgue]
Suit: It's about your brother...
Jake: [Narrating] So a week before he was about to ship out... a guy with a gun ends his journey... for the paper in his wallet.
Cryo: You've been in cryo for five years, nine months and twenty-two days. You will be hungry, you will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the...
Jake: [Narrating] Yeah, Tommy was the scientist. Me? I'm just another dumb grunt goin' some place he's gonna regret.