The Best Jay Laga'aia Quotes

Chase: If I believed in fairy tales, I'd say I just saw my friend Richard Cypher slay a dragon!

Devlin: It won't be easy getting in.
Chase: It won't be easy for those D'Haran bastards to keep me out.

Chase: So you're supposed to kill this Darken Rahl?
Richard: They say it's my destiny.

Michael: What are you doing here, Chase?
Chase: If I'm to save this village, I need every able-bodied man back under my command.
Michael: You're not the captain of the guard anymore. You lost that honor when you sided with my brother.
Chase: There are monsters out there, killing our people. Citizens that you as First Councilor are sworn to protect. Now let me do my job.

Chase: I gotta get back to Hartland. I gotta find my family.
Richard: Then we're coming with you.
Kahlan: But Darken Rahl is in the opposite direction.
Chase: Kahlan's right. You have a bigger fight, my friend.
Richard: I've seen what Rahl's forces can do to people. If I can't protect my own village, what kind of a Seeker am I?