50 Best Richard Cypher Quotes

Kahlan: [sleepless, after staring up at starry sky] Richard... Richard!
Richard: What's wrong? Are you all right?
Kahlan: Oh, yeah, I'm fine, everything's fine. It's just... I need to talk to you.
[looks over her shoulder at Cara on guard duty]
Kahlan: Alone.
Richard: [to Cara] We're going to take a walk.

Cara: [both of them shivering] We're wasting heat.
Richard: What do you mean?
Cara: [regards him slyly] Try not to be an idiot.

Richard: [magical iron collar] So all we have to do is get this thing around the beast's neck?
Kahlan: I think Marius can help with that.
Marius: [confessed] How may I serve you?
Kahlan: You're going to be the bait.

Richard: Confessors?
Kahlan: An ancient order of woman sworn to find the truth, no matter how hard people may try to hide it. And if a Seeker should arise, to protect him with her life. My name is Kahlan. I'm sorry for threatening you today. You did save my life.

Richard: I can't believe that Kahlan's not real! How can I just imagine feeling like that about somebody?
Zeddicus: We all have our little fantasies.

Richard: I'd like to speak on Zedd's behalf before his sentence is carried out.
heartless: It's your right to speak.
Richard: In sentencing Zedd for treason, you failed to take into consideration his exceptional life and deeds. Should I list them?
heartless: I'm well aware of Zedd's accomplishments. But it doesn't change the fact that he conspired to overthrow me. He broke the law.
Richard: As Mother Confessor, the law is what you say it is.
heartless: And I say the Code of Aydindril is the law.
Richard: I've read the Code of Aydindril. It was written by the first Mother Confessor. She said there is no justice be it not tempered with mercy.
heartless: Magda Searus, the first Mother Confessor, she was not without her enemy. She killed when it was necessary.
Richard: She did kill. In fact, she insisted that all male Confessor babies be killed because they lack the compassion necessary to control their powers.
heartless: Is my sex in question, Richard?
Richard: No. But your compassion is. You have none. Because you are, in fact, not the Mother Confessor.
heartless: You know who I am, Richard.
Richard: I know your kindness, your wisdom, and, yes, your compassion. But I don't see these things in you. Because they're in her!
heartless: [amazed to see 'softer self' unveiling] This is a trick.
Richard: This is no trick. She's been with me since the moment you left. When you used the amulet, you were split in two. You may have your powers, and your sharp mind, but the rest of you is in her. Your heart... your compassion... your mercy. The Mother Confessor needs all of it. Zedd can fix this. He can put you back together. He can make you a whole person again. But until he does, you don't have the right to decide his fate, or anyone else's.
heartless: Let's assume you're correct, and I no longer have the part of me that cares for you... or for Zedd. That... compassion, as you call it, kept me from my duties here. Without it, I'm a better leader, a better judge, a better Confessor. Whoever she is, I don't need her getting in the way of that.
Richard: If you refuse to allow Zedd to put you back together, you will leave this woman without her reason, her power. Is that just?
heartless: [surprised] She has no powers?
[her 'carbon copy' shakes her head]
heartless: Then you and Richard can be together. Do you feel incomplete?
[timid version hesitates]
heartless: You can't lie to a Confessor, I think you know that.
powerless: No, I don't feel incomplete. If you're part of me, then... I don't want you back. Not if it means I'd put duty above love. Not if it means I can never be Richard's wife.
Richard: I'm never going to be your husband!
powerless: No, you'll change your mind. I can be everything that you want. I won't ask you to give up your quest. I'll... I'll love Cara like a sister. And you can have her too if that's what you want. And you'll love me just like you did before.
Richard: [to 'hard version'] Would you look at her? She's not in her right mind! And neither are you.
heartless: Richard, I understand that you miss some... idealized form of the Kahlan you loved. But you do not have the right to murder two distinct individuals simply to get the one that you want. I've made my decision. Go back to your quest and take her with you!
Richard: I'm not going anywhere until you let Zedd go!
heartless: Then you'll be arrested for defying the Mother Confessor.
[to: ]
heartless: Seize them!

Chase: I gotta get back to Hartland. I gotta find my family.
Richard: Then we're coming with you.
Kahlan: But Darken Rahl is in the opposite direction.
Chase: Kahlan's right. You have a bigger fight, my friend.
Richard: I've seen what Rahl's forces can do to people. If I can't protect my own village, what kind of a Seeker am I?

Richard: [to Kahlan] I won't let anything happen to you.
Zeddicus: Then you'd best not let anything happen to her!
[points at Sister Nicci walking away determinedly]

Cara: [closing lid of crate] I've seen him before. A man came to the stables asking for a horse so he could take his brother to be buried.
Richard: Apparently he took the treasure instead.
Kahlan: [to Cara] And you believed his story?
Cara: [to Richard, ignoring Kahlan] The Confessor told me I had to show more compassion.
Kahlan: Are you saying this is my fault?
Cara: Yes.
Richard: [as the two young women glare at each other] It doesn't matter whose fault it is. We need to find him.

Richard: I'd never even heard of the D'Harans until they killed my father. And I have another brother back in Hartland; Michael. I love him. But the D'Harans turned him against me. So now I know exactly what they're capable of and I know that giving in won't stop them.

Zeddicus: [as Richard stares at Kahlan] None of that, boy.
Richard: What?
Zeddicus: I see the way you're looking at her.
Richard: [scoffs] I don't know what you're talking about.
Zeddicus: You think because I'm old I don't remember what it's like to get my britches in a bunch over a beautiful woman?
Richard: My britches aren't in a bunch.
Zeddicus: Bunched britches, lurching loins, hot haunches... call it what you want. It can never be. Not with her.
Richard: [shakes his head] Why are you telling me this?
Zeddicus: Because you need to concentrate on finding Fane. Keep your eyes on the trail up ahead, not on her posterior.

Richard: If we don't find Flynn and get the Stone Of Tears, the Keeper will destroy every living thing. So you can come with us, or you can go after Cara.
Kahlan: [after a moment of silence] If I ever see her again, I'll kill her.

[Kahlan sees Cara take a leaf out of Richard's hair]
Kahlan: What are you two doing?
Richard: We're just discussing whether we should go through the mountains or cross the river.
Kahlan: [to Cara] You had your hands all over him.
Cara: I was taking a leaf out of his hair.
Kahlan: I may not have my powers, but I have EYES, Cara. I know what I saw. You can't stand it that Richard and I were together last night.
Cara: Why would I care?
Kahlan: Do you think I don't see how you look at him? "I'd die for you, Richard"? "How can I serve you, Richard"? You want him for yourself, you always have. Just admit it!
Richard: Kahlan, you are seeing things that aren't there.
Kahlan: Richard, she has been trying to get her claws into you ever since you rescued her from the Mord'Sith!
Cara: NO ONE... rescued me.
Richard: Cara!
Kahlan: You think if it weren't for me you'd have him already? Well, you will never have him.
Cara: If I wanted him I would've had him already.
[Before this escalates any further, Richard steps in between Kahlan and Cara]
Richard: Kahlan, you're not thinking. Cara hasn't done anything.
Kahlan: [defensively] Why do you always defend her?
Richard: Just calm down.
Kahlan: You love her, don't you?
Richard: Kahlan...
Kahlan: All right, fine. If you want her, you can have her. I hope you two will be very happy together.
[She walks away]

[Last lines]
Richard: Love isn't something to fear, Kahlan.
Kahlan: For me it is.

Richard: Kahlan, why did you do that?
Kahlan: Do what?
Richard: What is this? You take your clothes off. You swim that close to me...
Kahlan: Take my clothes off? What are you talking about?
Richard: [notices] Your hair's dry.
[realizes: ]
Richard: That wasn't you in the lake.
Kahlan: Your hair's wet. That wasn't you in the forest.
[realizes: ]
Kahlan: Someone has got some very powerful magic.
Richard: [draws his sword] Someone very close by.
[realizes: ]
Richard: Oh, no...!
Kahlan: What?
Richard: I know my sword, and this isn't it.
Kahlan: Someone stole the Sword of Truth? How did that happen?
Richard: I was distracted.
Kahlan: [exasperated] By a naked woman you went swimming with.
Richard: But I thought that was you. They can't be far! I'll look for tracks by the lake. You go up the path!

Zeddicus: [to Cara] Would that your transformation were as simple. You must unlearn everything you know and believe. To begin with, you must never look any man in the palace directly in the eye. You must never speak your mind on any subject, but always defer to the opinion of your masculine betters.
Cara: [shakes her head, smiles] There's no such thing.
Zeddicus: Exactly the attitude you must abandon! Most challenging of all, when in the margrave's presence, a lady must always, without exception, speak in a rhyming dactylic tetrameter.
Richard: A what?
Zeddicus: A poetic meter in which each line consists of four groups of three-syllable phrases with the accent on the first syllable. And the first syllable of the fourth phrase of each line must rhyme with the corresponding syllable on the line before it.
Cara: You're making this up.
Zeddicus: I passionately wish I were. I shall demonstrate by example. If the margrave were to ask you "Hasn't the weather been nice lately?" you might answer
[in: ]
Zeddicus: "The night was a tumult of thunder and storm, but ever since then it's been lovely and warm." Care to try?
Cara: There's no way I'm going to win this competition!
Zeddicus: You don't have to win. You just need to keep us in the game long enough for Richard to find Kahlan and rescue her.

Richard: Mistress Denna, would you allow Constance to train me tomorrow?
Denna: [shouting angrily while smacking Richard] Why are you asking for Constance? You prefer her touch to mine? Obviously, I've been too easy on you! Why do you ask for her? Answer me!
Richard: Because it hurts you to use the Agiel. I don't want you to suffer any more because of me.
Denna: I've never known anyone like you, Seeker.

Zeddicus: There's only one person powerful enough to spell a Wizard of the First Order, who knows exactly what fruit I won't be able to resist.
Richard: Who? Zedd, who?
Zeddicus: Shota.

Kahlan: Take me to the seeker.
Zeddicus: [Looking at Richard] He's here.
Kahlan: Him? But he's...
Zeddicus: What? Not good enough? You wanted a Seeker, there he is. If he's not up to your standards, well, that's fine by me. Find yourself another.
Richard: [barely awake] Seeker? What are you talking about?
Kahlan: You never told him? You were supposed to train him, prepare him. What have you been doing for the past 20 years?
Zeddicus: Letting him catch worms, steal apples, skin his knees, find out what makes his heart beat faster.
Kahlan: [outraged] My sister gave her life to make sure that I got here, to make sure that I put the book in the Seeker's hands, and he's catching worms?
Zeddicus: Never knew a great man who didn't have a little dirt under his nails.
Kahlan: And while he's getting his nails dirty, did it ever occur to you to give him the slightest inkling that he is the first true Seeker in the last thousand years? He has a destiny.
Zeddicus: Who are you to decide a man's destiny?
Kahlan: It's not me, it's the prophecy.
Zeddicus: Prophecy be damned! I averted the prophecy when I brought him here until you opened up a nice little door in the boundary and said "Right this way to the Seeker, ladies and gentlemen!"
Kahlan: So it doesn't matter that Darken Rahl is growing more powerful everyday, that the people in the Midlands are losing their freedom, dying by the thousands?

Richard: [arriving at ruins] It must have burned at least three months ago. These weeds are at least that old.
Kahlan: D'Harans did this.
Zeddicus: Then where are the corpses?
Cara: If the abbot isn't here, then we have come a long way for nothing.
Richard: If D'Harans did this, and they didn't kill the monks, where would they have taken them?
Cara: From here, they would have been taken to Tothrayne.
Richard: What's Tothrayne?
Cara: A death camp.

Zeddicus: Rachel! Come!
Zeddicus: Sit, child.
Rachel: Are you going to stay here with us? It's nice here.
Zeddicus: I wish we could. But Richard and I need to see Kaylan safely to Aydindril.
Rachel: Why are you going there?
Richard: That's where the Mother Confessor presides.
Martha: The Midlands under the rule of law and justice. I never thought I'd live to see the day.
Rachel: [to Kaylan] Are you going to marry Richard?
Martha: Rachel!
Kahlan: It's okay. Uh... no,
[shakes her head]
Kahlan: we're not getting married.
Rachel: Don't you love each other?
Kahlan: Yes. But my duties as a Confessor, my powers, keep me from being a wife to Richard.
Rachel: That's not fair.

Jeziah: You should kill me.
Zeddicus: We're taking you to a healer. You'll wear the Rada'han for the rest of your life. You'll never have the powers of a Wizard again, old friend.
Richard: You know him?
Zeddicus: I thought I did.

[Last lines]
Richard: They'll be fine. You said it yourself. Dennee and Finn can't be confessed. So their son's touch will have no effect. He can't be seduced by his own power if he's unable to use it. Once they reach Valeria, there won't be anyone to corrupt him. With no one to corrupt him, they can raise him to be a force for good.
Kahlan: But what if we're wrong? What if we've unleashed a horrible evil into the world? What then?

Renn: [about Kahlan] Why don't you tell her how you feel?
Richard: It's complicated. You'll understand when you're an adult some day.
Renn: It's not complicated. You're afraid she doesn't feel the same. But you don't need to be afraid. She feels the same.
[Kahlan wakes]

Richard: Girls?
Cara: Hmm. Half a dozen of them, hanging all over him. And then he disappeared. I've been searching for him all night.

[Last lines]
Kahlan: We should get going soon.
Richard: Aww, come on. What's the hurry?
Kahlan: Well, if you're going to need to rescue every damsel in distress, there's no time to waste.

Richard: How'd you find me?
Zeddicus: I spelled your shoes!
Richard: [laughs] That old trick!
Zeddicus: You think I'd let you walk off with that witch without knowing how we'd get you back?
Richard: [to Kahlan] I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you.
Kahlan: I'm fine, now that I know you're safe.
Cara: [to Richard] You seem to be all in one piece.
Richard: It's good to see you too, Cara.
Kahlan: What happened to Nicci?
Richard: She's still out there.

Richard: I don't think the amulet was the only thing that split in two. Don't ask me to explain it. We need to get to Zedd.
[Cara reaches for her Agiel]
Richard: Not like that.
Cara: [impatiently] Then how do you propose we get to him?

Richard: [reading from The Book Of Counted Shadows] "Orden is a voracious wolf. Its strength rivaled only by its insatiable appetite. Only one power can touch the beast's heart and tame it."
[to the Wizard: ]
Richard: What kind of magic can tame the power of Orden? Somehow make it safe to use?
Zeddicus: I've never heard of a magic stronger than the power of Orden.
Richard: You once said of all the power in the world, there's none more powerful than love.
Zeddicus: It's an old expression.
Richard: As old as The Book Of Counted Shadows?
Zeddicus: What are you thinking?
Richard: That the one force that can touch the beast's heart and tame it, is love.

Richard: [as Carver Dunn, to Captain Ensor, after beating the crap out of several D'Haran soldiers] These men are cowards. They can't track, they can't fight, and if you don't want those rebels to kill you all, you need a man like me.

Sister: I've gotten to know you, Richard. You would never leave innocent women at the mercy of a monster.
Richard: I'd hardly call the Sisters of the Light innocent women. You've lied to me, held me captive and separated me from the people I love most in the world. But worst of all, you've used your piety as an excuse to take away my freedom.
Sister: Everything I've done I've done with the best intentions.
Richard: I don't need training to tell you Wizard's Second Rule: "The greatest harm can result from the best intentions."

Richard: [marital shackles] If these things are uncomfortable, we can take them off.
Bronwyn: [frowns] What's wrong with you?
[shakes her head]
Bronwyn: You know tradition doesn't allow it. It stays on until morning. After we've spend our first night together as man and wife.

Zeddicus: Lesson number 1, sometimes to gain ground you need to slow down.
Richard: That doesn't make sense.
Kahlan: Never expect sense from a wizard.

Kahlan: Where have you been?
Richard: Uh, I got my foot caught in a hunter's trap.
Kahlan: Oh, I'm sure you got something caught somewhere. We need to move, now!

Dahlia: [after getting knocked down] Cara, it's me!
Cara: Dahlia?
Richard: Do you know her?
Cara: [as Dahlia gets up] We served together for many years.
Richard: [to Dahlia] Why were you following us?
Dahlia: The true Lord Rahl is in danger. I need your help to save him.
Cara: Darken Rahl may have used magic to come back to the world of the living, but Richard is the true Lord Rahl.
Dahlia: [shakes her head] I'm not talking about Darken Rahl... or the Seeker. I'm talking about your son.
[all eyes on Cara]
Richard: You have a son?
Cara: Many Mord-Sith bear children.
Dahlia: But not many bear children fathered by Darken Rahl.
Richard: [looks at Cara sharply] Why didn't you tell us?
Cara: It wasn't important.
Kahlan: What happened to the child?
Cara: He was taken from me at birth.
Kahlan: [softly] Cara, I'm so sorry.
Cara: [snaps] Don't be! It was considered an honor to be chosen by Lord Rahl.
Richard: Do you know where the baby was taken?
Cara: Male children born to the Mord-Sith are sent to the Dragon Corps to learn how to fight for D'Hara.
Dahlia: When Darken Rahl died, my sisters and I went to find the boy. We took him back to our temple and served him like the true Lord Rahl he will one day become. Then, a week ago, our temple was raided by the Sisters of the Dark.
Cara: The Sisters' powers are useless against Mord-Sith.
Dahlia: We thought so too. But they've grown stronger. We couldn't repel their magic. I was the only Mord-Sith to survive. The Sisters took the boy.
Zeddicus: Where?
Dahlia: I tracked them to a retreat in the hills of Eritrane. But I knew I wouldn't be able to rescue him on my own. So I came to find you.
Cara: We have more important things to do than chase after a missing child.
Dahlia: Cara, there's nothing more important than your son. He's the future of D'Hara. And he needs your help.

Zeddicus: When there is no way, the Seeker will find a path. Lesson number four.
Richard: You said the last one was number four.
Zeddicus: Number five, then!
Richard: Are you making this up?

Cara: If you had assumed the throne of D'Hara months ago, the army would be helping you in your quest, instead of trying to kill you.
Richard: If I had claimed the throne, I wouldn't be on a quest to find the Stone of Tears. I'd be too busy killing and scheming to keep control of my empire.
Cara: Sometimes ruthlessness is required of a leader. Fear is the only thing that ever united D'Hara.
Richard: I've never tried to get people to follow me by terrorizing and killing them.
Cara: Your sentiments are noble, but impractical. A true leader takes power, he doesn't ask his subjects for permission first.
Richard: That was Darken Rahl's way... not mine. Now let's go find Grix.
[Cara follows him]

Richard: [as moonlight bathes sanctuary, he approaches red-robed figure] Who are you?
Sister: [lifts up veil, has beautiful face] I am Sister Nicci.
Richard: [recognizes] I saw you today with the Prelate.
Sister: Yes. She considers me one of her closest advisers.
Richard: Why did you ask me here?
Sister: To tell you a secret that could get me killed. But you must know the truth.
Richard: What truth?

Richard: The tracks lead that way, but they are at least a day old. We have to pick up our pace.
Zeddicus: Fortune has smiled upon us.
Cara: A Sister of the Dark has escaped with the Scroll, she's hours ahead, and you call that... fortunate?
Zeddicus: Do you smell that?
Cara: Smell what? Pine trees?
Zeddicus: Lamb, butter, a touch of fennel. There it is, on the wind, the sound of distant laughter. Which leads me to conclude we're fast approaching a roadside tavern, the balm of all weary travelers.
Cara: We don't have time to feed your belly, Wizard.
Zeddicus: None of us have eaten in days. We'll all move a lot faster once we are fortified. And I'm certain that a good tavern keeper will be more than happy to back up our victuals for the road. Compliments of the house.

Richard: Even if we find the Stone and you destroy it, even if you kill yourself and take Kahlan with you, you won't win.
Sister: Your fight against the Keeper is futile. In the end, he will win. He always does. Life is fleeting, death is eternal.

Kahlan: What is it about this woman that makes you always wanna rescue her?
Richard: I believe people can change.

Richard: I'm not who you want me to be! Maybe all those years ago you saved the wrong child.
Zeddicus: No. you are the true seeker. You have a great destiny ahead of you Richard Cypher. If you're willing to accept it.

D'Haran: Command me, Confessor!
Kahlan: Tell me why you attacked us.
D'Haran: We had standing orders to kill the Seeker.
Richard: Maybe you haven't gotten word. The war's over.
D'Haran: Yes, but there's a rumor among the officer corps that the Seeker's of the Rahl bloodline, that he's next in line for the throne.
Cara: Then the D'Harans should serve him, not try to kill him.
D'Haran: My commanding officer, general Grix, wants to claim the throne for himself. He's trying to eliminate anyone who would challenge him. Not only the Seeker, but rival generals in the D'Haran army as well.
Cara: Only a Lord Rahl can rule the empire, not some common foot soldier.

[first lines]
Cara: It's a good thing Mord-Siths are used to torture, because that's exactly what eating this stew will be.
Richard: [takes sniff] Well, maybe Zedd and Kahlan will find some mushrooms.
Cara: It's gonna take more than mushrooms to save this.

Richard: I'll never get near the dungeon now.
Zeddicus: Afraid there's only one hope left to us.
Richard: For Cara to get close enough to the margrave to steal the key.
Zeddicus: [to Cara] You must do exactly as I say. When in the hunt, a woman must never take the lead...
Cara: Forget the lessons. I've minced and curtsied and rhymed, and we still don't have the key. I'll get it my way.
Zeddicus: Without your Agiels?
Cara: I don't need magic to make a man beg for mercy.

Richard: Can't you lift the curse?
Zeddicus: Only the one who made it can break it. I'll go to Agaden Reach and try to reason with Shota.
Marius: Are you sure? Few who have gone there have ever returned.
Zeddicus: I know. I'm one of those few.
King: And if you fail? What then? I can't bear the thought of killing another innocent person.
Richard: While Zedd's gone, I'll watch over you and keep you from harming anyone.
Marius: How? The monster can break through our strongest chains.
Zeddicus: I may have a few tricks that your blacksmith doesn't.

Denna: You surprise me, Seeker. You could have run, might even have made it to the main gate. But you gave up your one chance at freedom. All for a child you'd never met. Why?
Richard: To keep her from becoming like you!

Zeddicus: Every day the quest is delayed, the Keeper grows stronger.
[to: ]
Zeddicus: You and Cara continue the search for the Stone of Tears, while Kahlan and I... go to Aydindril.
Kahlan: The Seeker needs his Wizard and his Confessor by his side. If we leave him again...
Richard: After we killed Darken Rahl, you should have gone back to Aydindril then, but, instead, you came with me.
Kahlan: The quest was more important.
Richard: The quest is my burden. I've kept you away from your home long enough.
Kahlan: My home is with you.
Richard: We've been apart before. We always find our way back to each other.

Cara: I suggested we celebrate your birthday the Mord-Sith way.
Richard: I didn't know Mord-Siths celebrate birthdays.
Cara: We don't.

Kahlan: I was just thinking about James. The world he created. It would have been nice to visit... now and then...
Richard: [wistfully] I know what you mean.