50 Best Tabrett Bethell Quotes

Cara: [holding her Agiel poised to strike] Where's the treasure?
Flynn: I'm not afraid of you. Do you know what horrible things they did to me at Tothrayne?
Cara: [fond memories] Intimately.
Flynn: I didn't break when they put me on the rack. Or when they threw me in the drowning pool. Or when they spun me on the wheel of pain. Torture me all you want. You'll be wasting your time.
Cara: Oh, I don't wanna torture you. I have other ways of loosening your tongue.
[tosses her Agiel on the bed, and climbs onto bed to join Flynn]
Cara: After the awful way they treated you in that place, I can see why you would hire those women to bring you some comfort. But I'll do things to you those women can't even imagine. Many know of a Mord-Sith's ability to bring pain. But few know we're equally skilled at bringing pleasure. First, I'm going to...
[whispers something outrageous into his ear, which he just loves]
Cara: And then I'll...
[whispers something even more outrageous into his ear, which he loves even more]
Cara: But first, you need to tell me where...
Flynn: In a cave, three leagues outside town, by the fork in the river!
Cara: [grabs him by collar, pulls him up from bed] Get dressed!
Flynn: But I told you where the treasure was.
Cara: Take me to it!
[holsters Agiel]
Cara: Now.
Flynn: But what about that thing you were going to do? And that other thing sounded good too.
[gets yanked around and thrown at the door like a rag doll]
Flynn: All right, all right, just the first thing then!

Cara: [fighting with Denna] Careful. You don't wanna get blood over your nice white leather.

Kahlan: [hanging corpses] These men were tortured.
Cara: [slashed faces, but...] It's not very inspired work.

Courtesan: Welcome to the Palace of Athenia. What is your pleasure?
Denna: Tonight it seems the pleasure is all mine.
Richard: Denna?
Denna: It's good to see you again, Seeker. I heard a rumor you were travelling with a Mord-Sith. Thank you, Bella, I'll look after our guests.
Courtesan: Yes, Madame Denna.
Cara: Madame Denna? The right hand of Darken Rahl, reduced to peddling flesh.
Denna: Times are difficult. A Mord-Sith has to make a living... now that the war is over. I'm simply taking what I've learned... and putting it to good use. And pleasure, after all, is the inverse of pain. Knowledge of one makes mastery of the other so much easier. You of all people should know that, Cara.
Cara: The place of a Mord-Sith is at the side of Lord Rahl.
Denna: So, the rumors are true.
Richard: We're looking for a D'Haran general named Grix. Do you know him?
Denna: I find that it's good business to be friendly with the local commanders.
Cara: You provide them with whores, and in exchange, they leave you alone.
Denna: Many of my clients would enjoy your acerbic tongue. You could do very well here.
[to: ]
Denna: What's your interest in the general?
Richard: He's gotten hold of a supply of Whisperers. He's planning to use them against other D'Haran officers. Destroy the villages. If we don't find Grix, he could wipe out half your clientele. If you know where he is, you'd better tell me.
Denna: He left. When you find him, and I'm certain you will, remind him he still owes me for the damage he caused. The general and his men drank too much, and destroyed one of my finest suites.
Richard: I'll pass that along.
Denna: As pleasant as this has been, I have other guests to attend to. But I hope you'll both indulge yourselves while you're here. Compliments of the house, of course. It's the least I can do for old friends.
[walks away, the low cut of her dress, down to the small of her back, giving Richard the full wattage of her appeal]

Cara: [Sword of Truth awakens longing in Kahlan] Is something wrong?
Kahlan: [shakes her head] I miss Richard.
Cara: Why?
Kahlan: [sighs, wipes off tears] Because I love him. And I'm not used to being apart from him.
Cara: [frowns] It's not necessary to feel pain over his absence.
Kahlan: Don't you feel anything?
Cara: Mord-Sith believe emotions must be governed. Sadness, remorse, love... These feelings make you weak. But anger, loyalty, pride... These feelings make you powerful. I can teach you how to control your emotions, if you like.
Kahlan: I'm not sure love makes a person weak, Cara.
Cara: Then why are you sitting on the ground, weeping over a sword?
Kahlan: [chuckles tearfully] Thank you for your advice... but, uh, I think I'll be all right.

Richard: How'd you find me?
Zeddicus: I spelled your shoes!
Richard: [laughs] That old trick!
Zeddicus: You think I'd let you walk off with that witch without knowing how we'd get you back?
Richard: [to Kahlan] I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you.
Kahlan: I'm fine, now that I know you're safe.
Cara: [to Richard] You seem to be all in one piece.
Richard: It's good to see you too, Cara.
Kahlan: What happened to Nicci?
Richard: She's still out there.

Cara: [finds Zedd, who has spell-induced amnesia] Why is it that when I'm hunting down a man, I never have to look further than the first brothel past the gates?
Zeddicus: Keep away from me!
Cara: Sorry, your little adventure is over. I'm taking you back to Richard and Kahlan.
Zeddicus: I'm not going anywhere with you!
Cara: I think you'll reconsider.
[draws her Agiel]

Richard: I don't think the amulet was the only thing that split in two. Don't ask me to explain it. We need to get to Zedd.
[Cara reaches for her Agiel]
Richard: Not like that.
Cara: [impatiently] Then how do you propose we get to him?

Cara: [has Sister Nicci prisoner] Richard! I was chasing a buck, but I found something better.

Cara: [enters cave dwelling carrying batch of hunted-down hares] I brought you dinner. Quick little bastards. But not quick enough.
Roga: Thank you. But we never eat anything that's been killed.
Cara: [coldly] Actually, I found them by the side of the road, where they died a natural... peaceful death.
Zeddicus: Cara... We're Roga's guests.
Cara: There's no sense to this!
[throws down the hares]
Cara: It's one thing to kill another person. But you have to eat.
Roga: I saw some winterberries growing along the path, down below the rocks. We'll gather some.
Zeddicus: [as the group goes off] Go after them.
Cara: They don't want our help.
Zeddicus: As long as we're with them, I'm not going to allow any more of them to be killed. Go!
[Cara goes after them, smirks]

Kahlan: I have to go to Aydindril.
Cara: [impatiently] It's hundreds of leagues from here!

Cara: Well, Wisp, It's just you and me. And we have a long way to go, so...
Cara: What do you wanna talk about?
[Night Wisp warbles]
Cara: Huh? Hmm. This would be so much easier if you used words instead of chirping. I'll bet you wish Kahlan was here instead of me. The truth is you're lucky I'm here. Kahlan couldn't have run all night and got you safely out of Gar territory like I did. I'm faster than she is. I have more endurance. I'm also better in a fight. If it weren't for me, everyone in this quest would be Shadrin food by now.
[Night Wisp continues warbling]
Cara: I'm not boasting. I'm simply...
Cara: Wait. Did you just say I was boasting?
Cara: I can understand you.
[bossy: ]
Cara: Say something else.
[more warbling]
Cara: Kahlan is close?
[looks around]
Cara: Where?

Dahlia: [Zedd snores as they get dressed] Good thing the Wizard sleeps so soundly.
Cara: If we move quickly, we can reach Eritrane and rescue the child before nightfall.
Dahlia: Then you'll go back to the Seeker and his quest?
Cara: Yes.
Dahlia: You don't have to. You could stay with me. We could raise the Lord Rahl together.
Cara: [insists] Richard... is the Lord Rahl.
Dahlia: Cara, you led the charge at Pallus Ridge. You were merciless at Valeria. You once swore to kill the man you now serve. What happened to you?
Cara: Richard.
[gets up, fixes Dahlia's collar]
Cara: The Seeker could use a fighter as strong as you, Dahlia. We could serve him together.
[but Dahlia shuns this suggestion with contempt]
Cara: I should wake Zedd.

Dahlia: [as Zedd snores] Does he always sleep so loudly? If I were a Wizard traveling with two Mord-Sith, I'd sleep with one eye open.
Cara: [softly] He trusts me.
Dahlia: [surprised] He doesn't question your loyalties?
Cara: [softly] He has no reason to.
Dahlia: I'm glad you decided to come with me.
Cara: I came because Richard ordered me to.
Dahlia: Are you sorry you did?
Cara: [softly] No.
Dahlia: Neither am I.
[kisses Cara]

Richard: I'll never get near the dungeon now.
Zeddicus: Afraid there's only one hope left to us.
Richard: For Cara to get close enough to the margrave to steal the key.
Zeddicus: [to Cara] You must do exactly as I say. When in the hunt, a woman must never take the lead...
Cara: Forget the lessons. I've minced and curtsied and rhymed, and we still don't have the key. I'll get it my way.
Zeddicus: Without your Agiels?
Cara: I don't need magic to make a man beg for mercy.

[last lines]
Richard: We should move fast. Nicci may have run away, but she'll be back.
Zeddicus: With her powers. To Nargoth then.
Cara: [still in princess' dress] Uh, not until I get out of this dress.
Kahlan: Why? A little lower on the neckline and you may never need another Agiel.
[catching: ]
Kahlan: And if you had done this a year ago, Darken Rahl would have surrendered at the sight of you.
[to: ]
Kahlan: And if you're going to wear a hem that short you should get rid of the stockings and show a little skin!
[smiling Zedd gives her a playful whack with his fan, she hugs him, giggles]

Cara: [re young woman claiming to be the Creator] It's a trick! For all we know, she's an agent that was sent to destroy Richard.
Kahlan: She's telling the truth, or at least, she believes what she's saying.
Cara: [her voice a low snarl] You can't even read a Mord-Sith. Yet somehow you know what a woman this powerful is thinking?
Kahlan: There's more to it. She knows things.
Cara: We should leave. Now.

[first lines]
Richard: See how the deer changed direction when they heard us coming? Can you tell me which way they went?
Cara: I don't see why I need to learn to hunt.
Richard: We're not in a Mord-Sith temple. We don't have slaves to bring us dinner.
Cara: I'm here to protect you, Richard. Not provide meals.
Richard: [smiles] Kahlan's not above digging up roots. And even Zedd's been known to do the washing now and then. We all need to contribute.
Cara: [seductively] Are you saying I don't do enough for you?
Richard: Just tell me which way the deer went.
Cara: That way... Where the bark has rubbed off the tree.
Richard: See? I knew you'd be good at this.

Zeddicus: [to Cara] Would that your transformation were as simple. You must unlearn everything you know and believe. To begin with, you must never look any man in the palace directly in the eye. You must never speak your mind on any subject, but always defer to the opinion of your masculine betters.
Cara: [shakes her head, smiles] There's no such thing.
Zeddicus: Exactly the attitude you must abandon! Most challenging of all, when in the margrave's presence, a lady must always, without exception, speak in a rhyming dactylic tetrameter.
Richard: A what?
Zeddicus: A poetic meter in which each line consists of four groups of three-syllable phrases with the accent on the first syllable. And the first syllable of the fourth phrase of each line must rhyme with the corresponding syllable on the line before it.
Cara: You're making this up.
Zeddicus: I passionately wish I were. I shall demonstrate by example. If the margrave were to ask you "Hasn't the weather been nice lately?" you might answer
[in: ]
Zeddicus: "The night was a tumult of thunder and storm, but ever since then it's been lovely and warm." Care to try?
Cara: There's no way I'm going to win this competition!
Zeddicus: You don't have to win. You just need to keep us in the game long enough for Richard to find Kahlan and rescue her.

Leo: [Cara's planted the first kiss] You know, where I come from, the man does that.
Cara: Then what are you waiting for?

Leo: [as Cara is about to climb onto her horse] Can I give you a hand?
Cara: [climbs up effortlessly, looks down at him:] You'll soon learn that it's we who are here to help you.
[coolly: ]
Cara: Seeker.
Zeddicus: Trying to show chivalry to a Mord-Sith is like trying to dance with a bear. It's never gonna work, and somebody will get their head bitten off.

Cara: [strung up with chains] Whatever your plan is, it will fail. Richard will find me. And he will humiliate you... again.
Darken: My poor Cara. You actually believe the Seeker will stop his quest simply to save you? You're not that important.
[punches her in the face again]
Dahlia: [entering] Lord Rahl. Our scouts report no sign of enemies. If you'd like, I can call them back to break the Wizard.
Darken: No. Keep them on watch. The Sisters of the Dark have been following me for weeks. They can't be far behind. As for the Wizard, with the rada'han around his neck, he's nothing more than a frail old man.
Dahlia: [surveying battered Cara] My Lord, you've been exhausting yourself for hours. Let me continue her training, so you can get some rest.
[clearly has ulterior motive]
Darken: [smirks as he hands over Agiel] But pain before pleasure, Dahlia.

[last lines]
Cara: [hands over compass to Richard] You're going to need this back. We have a quest to get back to.

Kahlan: If these prisoners are going to gain their strength back, we're gonna have to feed them something more substantial than D'Haran gruel.
Cara: [sarcastic] Should we draw them warm baths as well?
Eleanor: [mother, with son, approaching] Do you know of anyone heading in the direction of Deerfork?
Cara: The Dragon Corps wiped out Deerfork months ago.
Eleanor: [clutching her son's shoulder] But that's my father's village.
Kahlan: [compassionate] We'll try to find out where the survivors have relocated.
Cara: Deerfork was a resistance stronghold. No one would have been left alive.
Eleanor: But my father wasn't a resistance fighter. He was just a locksmith.
Cara: That would have made no difference to the Dragon Corps.
[causing Kahlan to give her an admonishing look]
Eleanor: [whining] Where will we go? The rest of my family died here.
Kahlan: I am... so sorry for your loss. But you need to be strong for your son. We'll see what we can find out about your father.
[Eleanor sobs quietly]
Cara: You shouldn't give her false hope.
Kahlan: [whirls] It wasn't so long ago that you served the one who caused all this misery. At least try to show some compassion.
[turns away, guides Eleanor]
Kahlan: Come with me.
[Cara considers all this]

Cara: Our thief won't be going anywhere without us.
Richard: You brought him back without a scratch. How did you manage that?
Cara: I have other methods.
Richard: What kind of methods?
[meaningful silence]
Richard: Well, however you did it, it's good work.
Cara: Did you expect anything less?
Richard: I'm just glad to have you on our side.
Cara: Maybe you can tell Zedd and Kahlan that they can stop sleeping with weapons under their pillows.

Kahlan: [the forest housing the Night Wisps has been burnt down] They're all dead...!
Richard: Maybe some of them escaped.
Kahlan: Even if they did, where would they go?
Richard: Kahlan, if there's another Night Wisp alive in the world, we'll find it.
Cara: Good thing we don't have anything else to do, like... find the Stone of Tears.
Kahlan: Without the Scroll, we won't know what to do with the Stone. It will be useless.

Cara: [approaching woman who carries spirit of Dennee with head bowed] May I speak to you? I just want you to know,
[as: ]
Cara: I regret what I did on Valeria.
Lucinda: [shakes her head] I can't accept your apology.
Cara: [softly] I needed to say it anyway.

Triana: We're wasting time, Cara.
Cara: You're disturbing my bath... Triana.
Triana: While you're washing your hair, D"Hara is going to pieces. We should go to the people's palace, now!
Cara: And do what when we get there? Loot the wine cellar?
Triana: We swear our allegiance to Lord Rahl.
Cara: Lord Rahl is dead.
Triana: If he were the last of his bloodline, then our Agiels would have lost their power.
[demonstrates with her Agiel powering up as she dips the screaming wand into the pool]
Cara: [rising from her bath] If and when the new Lord Rahl should claim the throne, we will decide if he's worthy of our services. Until then, who better to bring order to the territory than the Mord-Sith? I've called for a meeting of all our Sisters at the temple of Jandralyn. We leave today.
Triana: When did you become queen? I must have missed the coronation.

Cara: [as Leo practices swinging Sword of Truth about] Is the air putting up much of a fight?
Leo: [smiling, points sword at her] Well, I could use a sparring partner.
Cara: Mord-Siths don't spar.
[takes: ]
Cara: When we fight, we fight to inflict pain.
[suddenly jumps on Leo, bringing him down just in time as whirling Dacra scythes through the air]
Cara: Someone just tried to kill you!

Flynn: [re the rune on his hand] Seems this is worth quite a bit to you. At least as much as the treasure. You want me to go with you to this Pamorah? It will cost you.
Richard: [shakes his head] You're not getting the treasure.
Flynn: Well, then I guess I'm not going anywhere. And this hand...
[holds it up, showing off the etch]
Flynn: goes where I go.
Cara: Not if I cut it off.
Flynn: [swayed] When do we leave?
Richard: [to Cara] Lock him up in the warden's office until we deal with the banelings.
[she gleefully yanks Flynn along]

Zeddicus: Did he hurt the boy?
Kahlan: Mostly just scared the wits out of him. But there was an anger in Richard's eyes I'd never seen before.
[shakes her head]
Kahlan: Bitter... and harsh.
Cara: Maybe you're just upset because Richard raised his voice at you.
Kahlan: You weren't there. Had you seen what happened, you'd know something was wrong. The Sword was glowing.
Zeddicus: Glowing?
Cara: Does that mean something?
Zeddicus: The magic of the Sword is fueled by the Seeker's anger. With it, he's able to fight with the strength of many men. The Sword only glows... when the Seeker's anger turns to rage.
Kahlan: He was out of control. Could this have something to do with removing the binding spell from the Minders?
Zeddicus: I don't know. But I need to see him!

Cara: I suggested we celebrate your birthday the Mord-Sith way.
Richard: I didn't know Mord-Siths celebrate birthdays.
Cara: We don't.

Richard: [plans to dig tunnel or do whatever to rescue Kahlan] We have to get over the wall.
Zeddicus: And once were inside? It will be three of us against hundreds, with no magic at our disposal. I believe there's another way. Apparently, the margrave is about to choose a new bride to share with him the eternity he's purchasing with Kahlan's life. Every high-born beauty in the Midlands has been competing to be chosen, but the margrave has narrowed down the selection to the countess of Dunstable and the princess of Thryce. They'll both be arriving at the palace tomorrow morning...
Richard: Zedd, why are you telling us the local gossip when Kahlan is going to be handed over to the Sisters of the Dark?
Zeddicus: Because the margrave has known the countess for years, but he knows the princess only by her glowing reputation. He has never actually laid eyes on her. If the princess and her retinue happened to be intercepted on their way, we could arrive at the palace in their place, and be welcomed with open arms. All we need is a princess.
Cara: [clearly agrees that it's a good idea, nods, then realizes:] Oh, no. Mm-hmm.
Richard: Cara, it could work.
Cara: I'm no princess!
Zeddicus: No, you're not. Especially not this princess, who is renowned for her delicacy, her charm, and most especially, her virtue.
[Cara is dismayed]
Zeddicus: But the impossibility of the task must not prevent us from undertaking it.
[spells the princess and her entourage,: ]
Zeddicus: Her Serene Highness, Princess Lorelyn of Thryce.
Cara: [regards this very portrait of a lady:] I think we should dig the tunnel.

Cara: [arriving on horseback] Richard, Kahlan, don't listen to her! This woman is a fraud!

Richard: This is the longest the compass has ever pointed in one direction.
Cara: Who would have ever dreamed that the Seeker could go for twelve days without stopping to save helpless children or distressed farm animals?
Zeddicus: Perhaps it's a sign that we're nearing the Stone of Tears.
Cara: And then what?
Kahlan: We use the Stone to close the veil.
Cara: But how?
[both Kahlan and Zedd have no answer to this]
Cara: Mm. My point exactly. For three months, we've been going after this mysterious Stone. But none of us has the slightest clue what we're actually supposed to do with it... once we find it.

Kahlan: [re Dahlia] You know I can't read a Mord-Sith.
[to: ]
Kahlan: Do you think we can trust her?
Cara: I've known her for a long time. Before we were Mord-Sith, we were schoolmates.
Kahlan: [realizes] She was taken from Stowecroft too.
Richard: If there's any chance that she's telling the truth, we need to find this boy.
Cara: What we need to find is the Stone of Tears. This could be a trap set by the Sisters of the Dark to keep you away from your quest.
Kahlan: Cara, we're talking about a child... your son.
Cara: He means nothing to me.

Roga: Hungry?
[offers berries]
Cara: [haughty] Not particularly.
Roga: Don't you like winterberries?
Cara: Maybe stuffed inside a crisply roasted suckling pig.
Roga: Try one. You may be surprised.
[Cara deigns to sample one]
Roga: Good... Right?

Darken: [Cara's in the sickeningly green hell of the Underworld] So... you want to be a baneling?
Cara: Send me back... and I'll serve the Keeper.
Darken: [clearly savoring his prospects] And miss out on the pleasure... of tormenting you for an eternity?
Cara: I'm only one soul. Think of all the others I could provide for you.
Darken: Yes... you always had a nose for blood, Cara. But perhaps you're forgetting the fact that you betrayed me. You helped the Seeker to kill me. And now you want me to trust you to uphold your end of the bargain?
Cara: If I don't honor the agreement, you can call me back here to face the Keeper's wrath.
Darken: True. But if I give you a second life, you will just go back to helping Richard. He and I aren't exactly on friendly terms.
Cara: You know I kill people to protect Richard. Many. What does it matter why I do it, as long as I do it?
Darken: Yes, the Seeker and his merry band are some of the Keeper's finest suppliers of souls. But you delude yourself into believing you're killing to defeat evil. My banelings have to kill every day. What happens when you run out of bad people? I don't think the Seeker would appreciate you killing the good ones.
Cara: That will be my problem.
Darken: It certainly will. Do you understand the rules?
Cara: If I keep killing, I stay alive.
Darken: Only living people. No banelings. Their souls already belong to the Keeper. And you can't... get ahead.
Cara: [puzzled] Ahead?
Darken: I'm sure it's occurred to you that you can kill six or seven irredeemable miscreants and stay healthy for a week at a time. But it doesn't work that way. Every time you kill, the clock begins to tick again. And don't think because you're a Mord-Sith you will have a special advantage. As a baneling, you will no longer have the Breath of Life. You won't be able to kill someone only to revive them.
Cara: I understand. Now send me back.
Darken: [almost lovingly] Patience... never was one of your strong suits, Cara.
Cara: Do we have a deal... or not?

[first lines]
Darken: [to the assembled Mord-Sith warriors all kneeling around him] The Seeker now has all three Boxes of Orden. And The Book Of Counted Shadows.
Cara: My Lord...
Darken: Yes, Cara?
Cara: I'm looking around, and I don't see any of us groveling at the Seeker's feet begging to be commanded. If he truly has the power of Orden, he would have used it already.
Darken: There must be some reason he hasn't. But I'm not willing to wait around to find out when he does. We kill him... tonight.
Cara: If you'd given me the task... he'd already be dead. Tell us where he is.
Darken: He was last seen yesterday. Somewhere around West Granthia.
Cara: He's somewhere? In a province that crosses two rivers, a mountain range and six-hundred leagues of forest? Forgive me, my Lord, but my sisters and I are Mord-Sith, we are not magicians. How will we find him?
Darken: [grabs her face] Tell me, Cara... How does a sea hawk find a tiny fish in a great wide ocean?

Prioress: Rahl believed the bearer of the rune would arrive one day, so he stationed an elite guard around the tomb. After Rahl fell, the villagers rose up and killed them. Every last D'Haran. But they came back from the dead.
Cara: Banelings. That's what everyone around here is so afraid of.

Cara: [after the fight] I think that's all of them.
Zeddicus: For now. But this is a place of death. Others may crawl out of the earth to replace them. We should get Flynn back here with the rune as quickly as we can.
Cara: We? Are you sure you can trust me?
Zeddicus: No. But I don't have the luxury of caution.

Cara: Did you throw the Gars off our tracks?
Kahlan: Yes, but I twisted my ankle.
[Night Wisp warbles worriedly]
Cara: [to the little creature] Don't worry, she'll live.
Kahlan: [smiles] You understand her.
Cara: It wasn't that hard, once it started speaking clearly. Here, you take her.
Kahlan: Cara... her light is getting weaker. We don't have much time. With my ankle, I won't be able to move fast enough. It's up to you to get her to the birthing ground.

Zeddicus: The only way to kill banelings is to burn them. We'll need oil and torches.
Cara: Why not just use Wizard's Fire?
Zeddicus: I don't think that would be wise.
Cara: [eyes narrowed] It's because I'm a Mord-Sith, isn't it? You think that if you use your magic, I'll turn it against you. I've had chances before.
Zeddicus: With the Seeker and Confessor nearby. And now you know where the tomb is.
Cara: Do you honestly think that's why I followed Richard all this way? In the hopes that he'd send me here with you... alone, so that I could steal the stone for myself?
Zeddicus: Probably not. But what's at stake is far too important to rely on probability.
Cara: [heard something] I don't believe you have the luxury of caution.

Cara: What's wrong?
Kahlan: [dazedly shakes her head] Nothing. It was just a bad dream.
Richard: Tell me about it.
Kahlan: I was in a desert. There was a bird. And a blind girl.
Zeddicus: The starless blackbird of Caska.
Flynn: [awakened] I'm trying to sleep here.
Zeddicus: That wasn't any ordinary dream. That was a message. It belongs to a Dream Caster. A magical clan of nomads living in the desert far away from here. Every generation, a blackbird befriends a small child. That child is then recognized as the High Priestess and has the power to send dreams on the wings of birds.
Kahlan: The girl in my dream, she told me soon I would be the last of my kind.
Zeddicus: Could be a warning the line of Confessors is in danger.
Kahlan: I have to go to Valeria, make sure my sister's safe!
Cara: Valeria? That's hundreds of leagues from here!
Richard: You can't travel alone. I'll go with you.
Cara: I thought there was nothing more important than taking him
[grabs Flynn's hand]
Cara: and his magic rune to Pamorah to find the Stone of Tears.
Richard: Zedd, you go on ahead with Cara and Flynn. We'll catch up with you as soon as we can.
Cara: It's a waste of time.
[walks away]
Kahlan: Why do you say that?
Cara: The Confessors living on Valeria are dead. When Darken Rahl found out there was a male Confessor living on Valeria, he ordered us to bring him the child. But when we stormed the island, the mother sacrificed the baby so we couldn't take it.
Kahlan: And the mother?
Cara: She was eliminated.
Kahlan: My sister? Dennee is dead?
Cara: There was no pain.
Cara: I killed her swiftly.
Richard: [Kahlan is enraged and her pupils become dark] Kahlan?
Flynn: [horrified witnessing transformation] What's happening to her?
Zeddicus: It's the Con Dar!
Richard: Kahlan?
Zeddicus: Stay back!
[to: ]
Zeddicus: You have to leave now!
Cara: I only did what I was ordered to.
Richard: [struggling to hold down virtual tigress Kahlan has become] I can't hold her much longer! Run!
Cara: But I swore to serve you.
Richard: [yells] That isn't possible anymore! Get out of here now!
[Cara runs]

Kahlan: Richard is the Seeker!
Shota: Of course you would say that about the man you love. But I didn't come here expecting your help.
[to: ]
Shota: I came hoping for yours.
Cara: Why would I help you?
Shota: Because you don't care who bears the name of Seeker. You only care about protecting Richard Rahl. But if he continues on this doomed quest, the Keeper will win and he will die along with everyone else in the world. Now, Zedd can't use his magic against you. If you subdue him, then I can force him to do what must be done.
Cara: Funny how people always curse the Mord-Sith.
[cold smile]
Cara: Until they need one.
Shota: Do you want Richard to live, or don't you?
Cara: You're right. Wizards can't use their magic against a Mord-Sith. And neither can witches.
[draws Agiel, zaps Shota, brings her to her knees]
Cara: There's only one way to stop that from happening again. Undo the spell you put on Zedd!

Richard: [takes Kahlan's hand] This is where we say goodbye.
Cara: Can't we speed this up? She loves you, you love her. I should protect her as if she were you. I missed anything? We could be halfway there by the time you two finish your goodbyes.
Kahlan: We'll catch up once the Night Wisp is safe.
Richard: Be careful.
Kahlan: And you too.

Cara: [strung up with chains, badly beaten] Where's Zedd?
Darken: Your concern for the Wizard is touching. I shall put your tender heart at ease. He's alive... for now.
Cara: What do you want with us?
Darken: Isn't it obvious? I want you back on my side. Though I must admit, you haven't made it easy for me. I may no longer have armies at my command, but fortunately, I knew of your special friendship with Dahlia. I knew she would want you back as much as I do.
Cara: My son was never kidnapped, was he?
Darken: Your son was killed the day he was born. I couldn't risk the little bastard growing up to challenge my authority, now, could I? Oh, Cara, has that made you sad? You really have grown soft since you started serving the Seeker, haven't you? It's my fault, I suppose. I left your training to underlings. But someone as valuable as you deserves my personal attention.
[picks up Agiel]
Darken: This time, I won't make the same mistake.

D'Haran: Command me, Confessor!
Kahlan: Tell me why you attacked us.
D'Haran: We had standing orders to kill the Seeker.
Richard: Maybe you haven't gotten word. The war's over.
D'Haran: Yes, but there's a rumor among the officer corps that the Seeker's of the Rahl bloodline, that he's next in line for the throne.
Cara: Then the D'Harans should serve him, not try to kill him.
D'Haran: My commanding officer, general Grix, wants to claim the throne for himself. He's trying to eliminate anyone who would challenge him. Not only the Seeker, but rival generals in the D'Haran army as well.
Cara: Only a Lord Rahl can rule the empire, not some common foot soldier.

[first lines]
Cara: It's a good thing Mord-Siths are used to torture, because that's exactly what eating this stew will be.
Richard: [takes sniff] Well, maybe Zedd and Kahlan will find some mushrooms.
Cara: It's gonna take more than mushrooms to save this.

[Kahlan sees Cara take a leaf out of Richard's hair]
Kahlan: What are you two doing?
Richard: We're just discussing whether we should go through the mountains or cross the river.
Kahlan: [to Cara] You had your hands all over him.
Cara: I was taking a leaf out of his hair.
Kahlan: I may not have my powers, but I have EYES, Cara. I know what I saw. You can't stand it that Richard and I were together last night.
Cara: Why would I care?
Kahlan: Do you think I don't see how you look at him? "I'd die for you, Richard"? "How can I serve you, Richard"? You want him for yourself, you always have. Just admit it!
Richard: Kahlan, you are seeing things that aren't there.
Kahlan: Richard, she has been trying to get her claws into you ever since you rescued her from the Mord'Sith!
Cara: NO ONE... rescued me.
Richard: Cara!
Kahlan: You think if it weren't for me you'd have him already? Well, you will never have him.
Cara: If I wanted him I would've had him already.
[Before this escalates any further, Richard steps in between Kahlan and Cara]
Richard: Kahlan, you're not thinking. Cara hasn't done anything.
Kahlan: [defensively] Why do you always defend her?
Richard: Just calm down.
Kahlan: You love her, don't you?
Richard: Kahlan...
Kahlan: All right, fine. If you want her, you can have her. I hope you two will be very happy together.
[She walks away]