The Best Courtesan Quotes

Courtesan: Welcome to the Palace of Athenia. What is your pleasure?
Denna: Tonight it seems the pleasure is all mine.
Richard: Denna?
Denna: It's good to see you again, Seeker. I heard a rumor you were travelling with a Mord-Sith. Thank you, Bella, I'll look after our guests.
Courtesan: Yes, Madame Denna.
Cara: Madame Denna? The right hand of Darken Rahl, reduced to peddling flesh.
Denna: Times are difficult. A Mord-Sith has to make a living... now that the war is over. I'm simply taking what I've learned... and putting it to good use. And pleasure, after all, is the inverse of pain. Knowledge of one makes mastery of the other so much easier. You of all people should know that, Cara.
Cara: The place of a Mord-Sith is at the side of Lord Rahl.
Denna: So, the rumors are true.
Richard: We're looking for a D'Haran general named Grix. Do you know him?
Denna: I find that it's good business to be friendly with the local commanders.
Cara: You provide them with whores, and in exchange, they leave you alone.
Denna: Many of my clients would enjoy your acerbic tongue. You could do very well here.
[to: ]
Denna: What's your interest in the general?
Richard: He's gotten hold of a supply of Whisperers. He's planning to use them against other D'Haran officers. Destroy the villages. If we don't find Grix, he could wipe out half your clientele. If you know where he is, you'd better tell me.
Denna: He left. When you find him, and I'm certain you will, remind him he still owes me for the damage he caused. The general and his men drank too much, and destroyed one of my finest suites.
Richard: I'll pass that along.
Denna: As pleasant as this has been, I have other guests to attend to. But I hope you'll both indulge yourselves while you're here. Compliments of the house, of course. It's the least I can do for old friends.
[walks away, the low cut of her dress, down to the small of her back, giving Richard the full wattage of her appeal]