The Best Jessica Marais Quotes

Denna: [bursting into cabin, disturbing five peaceful nuns] Do as I say, and only some of you will get hurt!

Denna: You surprise me, Seeker. You could have run, might even have made it to the main gate. But you gave up your one chance at freedom. All for a child you'd never met. Why?
Richard: To keep her from becoming like you!

Zeddicus: [animal roasting over fire] I hope you don't expect me to eat that without blackberry sauce.
Denna: Refusing to eat will only make the journey harder for you.
Zeddicus: [with irony] I'm touched by your concern for my well-being. Why are we going anywhere? Why not break me right here?
Denna: So your screams can reach sympathetic ears? No. I have a more suitable place in mind for your training.
Zeddicus: You have another choice. You could be merciful.
Denna: You think I'll let you go?
Zeddicus: Of course not. But you could give me a swift death instead of torturing me.
Denna: [smiling] But that's the part I enjoy the most.
Zeddicus: I've given you a new life. What else do you want?
Denna: You... can't imagine the things I want. And you're going to help me get them. You served the Seeker well, and now you'll serve me.
Zeddicus: [adamantly] Never.
Denna: [scoffs] I think you'll find it quite liberating. For so long, you've been burdened by all the world's concerns. Once you're liberated, you'll have only one.
Denna: Pleasing me.

[Denna lays out plans for Jennsen to break into the People's palaces and get the two Boxes of Orden. As Denna speaks, we see Jennsen carry out those plans]
Denna: The People's palace is surrounded by a tree line that acts as a magical barrier. Only those who have been spelled by Rahl's sorcerers can pass in and out of the barrier without being instantly killed by it. Richard will have to wait for you on the other side. There will be alarms, but you won't set them off. Just make sure the archers patrolling the battlements don't see you. They shoot on sight. There's a secret entrance on the south end of the palace that leads to an escape tunnel. As Lord Rahl's personal bodyguards, only the Mord-Sith know of its existence. You'll see the opening. But make sure no one is watching you. Because what they will see is someone walking through a solid wall. Follow the tunnel to the staircase. At the top is an archway guarded by a lone sentry. He passes every 90 seconds. Wait until he goes by and then run straight ahead to the entrance to Rahl's ceremonial chamber. Rahl trusts no one, so there are no living guards watching over the chamber itself. It's protected only by magic. The final magical shield, the one closest to the boxes, allows only Rahl himself to get through. Of course, you're the exception. But be very careful. Even if you make it past all the shields and guards, Darken Rahl has an uncanny ability to sense when things are awry.

Denna: [the corpse is not a corpse] You know your magic is useless against a Mord-Sith!
[rises, strikes Zedd down with her Agiel]

Denna: Leaving so soon, Cara?
Cara: Your merchandise is too delicate for my taste.
Denna: Of all the sisters of the Agiel... you're the last I expected to find with Richard.
Cara: I serve Lord Rahl. You serve anyone with a purse full of coin.
Denna: You may find this hard to believe, but I have a great deal of affection for Richard. I admire him. But Lord Rahl?
Cara: You doubt it?
Denna: Do you truly believe that Richard has what it takes to rule the empire? Is he bold enough? Ruthless enough?
Cara: It's not the place of a Mord-Sith to question a Lord Rahl, only to serve him. And if you were still a true Mord-Sith, you'd serve him too.
Denna: Under the right circumstances I might, but I fear Richard's been compromised.
Cara: Compromised?
Denna: By Kahlan. You've seen the way they are together. She wouldn't need to confess him to do her bidding. He'd sacrifice anything for her... his mission... even you.
Cara: You don't know the first thing about the Mother Confessor.
Denna: I know that Kahlan Amnell doesn't care for Mord-Sith. She tried to kill me... twice.
Cara: She's a woman of honor! She spared my life... even after she learned I killed her sister. Her loyalties aren't in question.
[walks away]
Cara: Yours are!
Denna: Safe journey, Cara! I'll take good care of Richard.
Cara: [halts, doesn't look back] If he has so much as a scratch when I get back... you'll be sorry.
[walks off, with Denna staring after her with tearful eyes]

Zeddicus: [captive] What is it you want with me, Denna?
Denna: Right now I want you to cover our tracks.
[doesn't obey, has to endure Agiel]
Zeddicus: All right, all right! Enough!
[magically covers tracks]
Denna: Keep moving, Wizard.

Courtesan: Welcome to the Palace of Athenia. What is your pleasure?
Denna: Tonight it seems the pleasure is all mine.
Richard: Denna?
Denna: It's good to see you again, Seeker. I heard a rumor you were travelling with a Mord-Sith. Thank you, Bella, I'll look after our guests.
Courtesan: Yes, Madame Denna.
Cara: Madame Denna? The right hand of Darken Rahl, reduced to peddling flesh.
Denna: Times are difficult. A Mord-Sith has to make a living... now that the war is over. I'm simply taking what I've learned... and putting it to good use. And pleasure, after all, is the inverse of pain. Knowledge of one makes mastery of the other so much easier. You of all people should know that, Cara.
Cara: The place of a Mord-Sith is at the side of Lord Rahl.
Denna: So, the rumors are true.
Richard: We're looking for a D'Haran general named Grix. Do you know him?
Denna: I find that it's good business to be friendly with the local commanders.
Cara: You provide them with whores, and in exchange, they leave you alone.
Denna: Many of my clients would enjoy your acerbic tongue. You could do very well here.
[to: ]
Denna: What's your interest in the general?
Richard: He's gotten hold of a supply of Whisperers. He's planning to use them against other D'Haran officers. Destroy the villages. If we don't find Grix, he could wipe out half your clientele. If you know where he is, you'd better tell me.
Denna: He left. When you find him, and I'm certain you will, remind him he still owes me for the damage he caused. The general and his men drank too much, and destroyed one of my finest suites.
Richard: I'll pass that along.
Denna: As pleasant as this has been, I have other guests to attend to. But I hope you'll both indulge yourselves while you're here. Compliments of the house, of course. It's the least I can do for old friends.
[walks away, the low cut of her dress, down to the small of her back, giving Richard the full wattage of her appeal]

Richard: Mistress Denna, would you allow Constance to train me tomorrow?
Denna: [shouting angrily while smacking Richard] Why are you asking for Constance? You prefer her touch to mine? Obviously, I've been too easy on you! Why do you ask for her? Answer me!
Richard: Because it hurts you to use the Agiel. I don't want you to suffer any more because of me.
Denna: I've never known anyone like you, Seeker.

Denna: [trudging on] Keep moving, Wizard!
Zeddicus: Allow an old man to rest.
Denna: You prefer I should carry you?
Zeddicus: I prefer you should rub my feet.
Denna: It's no wonder Cara's gone soft with such weak companions as you and your friends.
Zeddicus: What do you know about friends? You have no one. That's the real reason you won't kill me. Because then you'll be alone, which is what you fear the most, isn't it?
[Denna slowly shakes her head in obstinate denial]
Zeddicus: My friends would stop at nothing to find me. Who would do the same for you?
Denna: [wanly] Friends are for the helpless.
Zeddicus: Denna. I can think of no one who needs help more than you. All your plans, all your designs on power, where have they gotten you?

Denna: I do enjoy a challenge. Shall we begin?

Darken: [entering dungeon] Denna.
Denna: [lightly clad, suspended by her wrists] My Lord.
Darken: Why do you make me hurt you like this?
Denna: I'm sorry I failed you, my Lord.
Darken: So you claim to me many times. The fact remains, you let the Seeker slip from your grasp.
Denna: I deserve my punishment.
[shakes her head]
Denna: And more.
[he kisses her, his toxic kiss causes her mouth to burn]
Denna: Release me, and I will show you such pleasure that all will be forgiven.
Darken: Pleasure, alas, must wait. I have learned the exact location of the Third Box of Orden, but my men have failed to retrieve it.
Denna: Send me. I will succeed.
Darken: I should never have send men to do a Mord-Sith's job.
[strokes her face in a brutal way]
Darken: But you would not want to disappoint me again, Denna.
Denna: [suffering] I will return with the box.
Darken: Yes. But you will not be able to do it alone. First, you need to capture the one person... that I fear the most in all the world.
Denna: The Seeker will not escape me again.
Darken: No, no, no. Someone far more fearsome than he.