The Best Sister Verna Quotes

Sister: I've gotten to know you, Richard. You would never leave innocent women at the mercy of a monster.
Richard: I'd hardly call the Sisters of the Light innocent women. You've lied to me, held me captive and separated me from the people I love most in the world. But worst of all, you've used your piety as an excuse to take away my freedom.
Sister: Everything I've done I've done with the best intentions.
Richard: I don't need training to tell you Wizard's Second Rule: "The greatest harm can result from the best intentions."

Prelate: [huge doors open] Hello, Sister Nicci.
Sister: [stands chained, arms spread] You have no right to keep me prisoner.
Prelate: I have the right to do far worse. You betrayed our Order by helping Richard Cypher escape from this palace.
Sister: You were holding him here against his will.
Sister: You only freed him so that he would fulfill the Prophecy, and deliver the Stone to the Keeper of the Underworld whom you serve.
Prelate: Name the Sisters of the Dark, or you will die.
Sister: You'll need me alive if you ever hope to remove my power and restore it to Richard.
Prelate: That is no longer possible. After you freed Richard from the Palace, he wandered into the Valley of Perdition. Richard is going to die. You've failed, Nicci. The new Seeker has already been named. He's on his way to the Stone of Tears.