The Best Elizabeth Blackmore Quotes

[first lines]
Sister: [in supplication] Lord Rahl...
Darken: Have you brought what I asked for?
Sister: The Scroll of Valdaire?
[offers it]
Darken: Did the Seeker read it?
Sister: I took it from him before he could break the seal.
Darken: [pleased] Then he still has no idea what to do with the Stone of Tears when he finds it.
Sister: And he never will.
[about to throw the Scroll into the campfire]
Darken: No. Do not destroy it. It is the Keeper's will that you take the Scroll to the Mord-Sith temple of Jandralyn without breaking the seal. There, you will deliver it into my hands and to my hands only.
Sister: In the World of the Living, you're nothing more than a spirit. Into what hands am I to deliver it?
Darken: If I were you, Marianna, I would worry more about making sure that the Seeker does not kill you and take the Scroll before you reach Jandralyn. Because I am quite sure that my intrepid brother, Richard, is already on your trail.

Sister: [leading assault] Once we've passed through the barrier, we'll head for the south entrance.
Sister of the Dark: Are you sure the serum will protect us?
Sister: Don't worry, sister. If it fails, you'll meet the Keeper sooner than you had ever hoped.

Sister: Lord Rahl.
[bows head]
Darken: Your sisters slumber so peacefully while the Keeper wages war.
Sister: Say the word, and I'll rouse them.
Darken: The Mother Confessor and the Seeker are on their way to the Winding Wall of Valdaire in search of an ancient scroll. You and your sisters are to get there before they arrive. Lie in wait, but do not... attack until the Seeker finds the scroll. Once he has it, I want you to steal it.
Sister: Why do you want the scroll?
Darken: It contains secret instructions for the bearer of the Stone of Tears. If the Seeker has this scroll, he will defeat the Keeper.
Sister: Then I will get the scroll and destroy it.
Darken: No. Once you get the scroll, it is the Keeper's wish that you protect it with your life. Once you've gotten it safely away from the Seeker, I will come and tell you what to do with it next.
[Sister Marianna bows her head respectfully in obedience]
Darken: Oh. Yes, one more thing. There is an aged scolar traveling with the Seeker. I've sent the wizard Zorander to kill him, but if for some reason the Seeker prevents the wizard from killing this old man, I want you to make sure... that he dies.
Sister: [smiles] My sisters and I will leave no survivors.
Darken: Consider it a victory if you manage to kill the old man and get the scroll.