The Best D'Haran Lieutenant Quotes

D'Haran: Command me, Confessor!
Kahlan: Tell me why you attacked us.
D'Haran: We had standing orders to kill the Seeker.
Richard: Maybe you haven't gotten word. The war's over.
D'Haran: Yes, but there's a rumor among the officer corps that the Seeker's of the Rahl bloodline, that he's next in line for the throne.
Cara: Then the D'Harans should serve him, not try to kill him.
D'Haran: My commanding officer, general Grix, wants to claim the throne for himself. He's trying to eliminate anyone who would challenge him. Not only the Seeker, but rival generals in the D'Haran army as well.
Cara: Only a Lord Rahl can rule the empire, not some common foot soldier.