The Best Triana Quotes

Rachel: [to sobbing little girl] Don't be scared. The Seeker and the Confessor will save us.
Triana: I said no talking!

Triana: We're wasting time, Cara.
Cara: You're disturbing my bath... Triana.
Triana: While you're washing your hair, D"Hara is going to pieces. We should go to the people's palace, now!
Cara: And do what when we get there? Loot the wine cellar?
Triana: We swear our allegiance to Lord Rahl.
Cara: Lord Rahl is dead.
Triana: If he were the last of his bloodline, then our Agiels would have lost their power.
[demonstrates with her Agiel powering up as she dips the screaming wand into the pool]
Cara: [rising from her bath] If and when the new Lord Rahl should claim the throne, we will decide if he's worthy of our services. Until then, who better to bring order to the territory than the Mord-Sith? I've called for a meeting of all our Sisters at the temple of Jandralyn. We leave today.
Triana: When did you become queen? I must have missed the coronation.