The Best Roga Quotes

Cara: [towers over downed slaver with her Agiel held threateningly] Take a message to Caldor. Leave the Minders alone.
Roga: I won't let you hurt him!
Cara: I'm just gonna teach him a lesson.
Roga: Yes. The same lesson you've both been taught all your lives. That violence will help you.
Cara: [scoffs] Do what you want. I'm through with you.
Roga: [to the rogue] Go in peace. Serve the Creator, and she will reward you.
[the slaver grabs this opportunity to scurry off, and Cara smirks]

Cara: [enters cave dwelling carrying batch of hunted-down hares] I brought you dinner. Quick little bastards. But not quick enough.
Roga: Thank you. But we never eat anything that's been killed.
Cara: [coldly] Actually, I found them by the side of the road, where they died a natural... peaceful death.
Zeddicus: Cara... We're Roga's guests.
Cara: There's no sense to this!
[throws down the hares]
Cara: It's one thing to kill another person. But you have to eat.
Roga: I saw some winterberries growing along the path, down below the rocks. We'll gather some.
Zeddicus: [as the group goes off] Go after them.
Cara: They don't want our help.
Zeddicus: As long as we're with them, I'm not going to allow any more of them to be killed. Go!
[Cara goes after them, smirks]

Roga: Hungry?
[offers berries]
Cara: [haughty] Not particularly.
Roga: Don't you like winterberries?
Cara: Maybe stuffed inside a crisply roasted suckling pig.
Roga: Try one. You may be surprised.
[Cara deigns to sample one]
Roga: Good... Right?