The Best Martha Quotes

Zeddicus: Rachel! Come!
Zeddicus: Sit, child.
Rachel: Are you going to stay here with us? It's nice here.
Zeddicus: I wish we could. But Richard and I need to see Kaylan safely to Aydindril.
Rachel: Why are you going there?
Richard: That's where the Mother Confessor presides.
Martha: The Midlands under the rule of law and justice. I never thought I'd live to see the day.
Rachel: [to Kaylan] Are you going to marry Richard?
Martha: Rachel!
Kahlan: It's okay. Uh... no,
[shakes her head]
Kahlan: we're not getting married.
Rachel: Don't you love each other?
Kahlan: Yes. But my duties as a Confessor, my powers, keep me from being a wife to Richard.
Rachel: That's not fair.