The Best King Gregor Quotes

Richard: Can't you lift the curse?
Zeddicus: Only the one who made it can break it. I'll go to Agaden Reach and try to reason with Shota.
Marius: Are you sure? Few who have gone there have ever returned.
Zeddicus: I know. I'm one of those few.
King: And if you fail? What then? I can't bear the thought of killing another innocent person.
Richard: While Zedd's gone, I'll watch over you and keep you from harming anyone.
Marius: How? The monster can break through our strongest chains.
Zeddicus: I may have a few tricks that your blacksmith doesn't.

King: My kingdom is being terrorized by a vicious beast that's ravaging our countryside, and I need your help to destroy this monster.
Richard: Tell me where to find this beast.
King: You already have. It's me.

King: I reminded Shota that our kingdom was all that separated her from Rahl's tightening grip. That if Caddock were overrun, Agaden Reach would soon follow. So I struck a bargain with her. In exchange for my pledge to defend her, she promised to give me the power to protect my kingdom forever.
Zeddicus: And how exactly did she do that?
King: She cursed me. Each night, I would be transformed into a Calthrop.