Top 30 Quotes From Jean Reno

Franz: Try any sleight of hand with my money and I'll cut your throat.

Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: [after Godzilla discovers one of his dead offspring] He looks angry.
Victor: [stammers] What do we do?
Philippe: Running would be a good idea.

Léon: He killed her. One shot to the head. They kept him in jail for two days. They let him go free. They said it was an accident. So, one night I waited for him. 500 feet with a lens. He also had an accident.

[being questioned at a military checkpoint]
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Well, Sergeant O'Neal just called down for us, he wants us to joint him right now, sir. Thank you.
Tunnel: [to Philippe] You got a problem talkin'?
Philippe: [Southern accent, without a trace of French] Why, no sir, I'm fine.
[a car honks from the line behind them]
Tunnel: All right, keep it movin'.
Philippe: Well, thank you very much.
[They drive on. Nick looks questioningly at Philippe]
Philippe: [normal French accent] Elvis Presley movies. He was The King.

Philippe: Okay, party's over. Time to leave.
[Shoots out the window, and throws a rappel cable out. Baby Godzillas begin breaking into the room]
Philippe: Anyone care to join me?

Philippe: [holding the flame of the lighter to his face to awaken him from his stupor] What did you, see old man?
Japanese: Gojira... Gojira... Gojira.

Mathilda: Leon, I think I'm kinda falling in love with you.
[Leon chokes on his milk]
Mathilda: It's the first time for me, you know?
Léon: [wiping himself off] How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
Mathilda: 'Cause I feel it.
Léon: Where?
Mathilda: [stoking her stomach] In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now... it's gone.
Léon: Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.

Mathilda: I don't wanna lose you, Leon.
Léon: You're not going to lose me. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy. Sleep in a bed, have roots. And you'll never be alone again, Mathilda. Please, go now, baby, go. Calm down, I'll meet you at Tony's in an hour, I love you, now go, go now.

Léon: You need some time to grow up a little.
Mathilda: I finished growing up, Léon. I just get older.
Léon: For me it's the opposite. I'm old enough. I need time to grow up.

Léon: [referring to his plant] It's my best friend. Always happy. No questions.

Mathilda: Sleep well?
Léon: I never really sleep well. Got one eye open, always.
Mathilda: Yeah, I forgot. You know, I never saw someone with one eye open snore so much.

Mathilda: How old were you when you made your first hit?
Léon: Nineteen.
Mathilda: Beat you!

Mathilda: I've decided what to do with my life. I wanna be a cleaner.
Léon: You wanna be a cleaner?
[passes her a gun and bullets]
Léon: Here, take it. It's a goodbye gift. Go clean. But not with me. I work alone, understand? Alone.
Mathilda: Bonnie and Clyde didn't work alone. Thelma and Louise didn't work alone. And they were the best.

Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?
Léon: Always like this.

Franz: If we're going to Virginia why don't we drop by Fort Knox? I could fly a helicopter through the lobby and set it down right inside the vault. And it would be a hell of a lot easier than breaking into the goddamn CIA.

Mathilda: [Mathilda, crying about her brother's murder and her stepmother] I was more of a mother to him than thaat goddamn pig ever was!
Léon: Hey, don't talk like that about pigs. They're usually much nicer than people.
Mathilda: But they smell like shit.
Léon: Not true. As a matter of fact, right now I have one in my kitchen that's very clean and smells very nice.
Mathilda: You don't have a pig in your kitchen.
Léon: Yes, I do.
Mathilda: I was just in there and I didn't see any goddamned pig.
Léon: Don't move. I'll get him.
[Leon goes into the kitchen]
Léon: Piggy? Piggy? Where are you?
Léon: [Oinking noises are heard in the kitchen] Oink, oimk! Ah, there you are.
Léon: [More oinking, then a pig pot holder sticks its 'head' around the corner] Hi, Mathilda.
Mathilda: [She smiles] Hi, piggy.

Léon: When it's tough like this, you know it's gonna be ugly. Better make it quick, or else you will be here all day listening to his crap.

Léon: There was someone a long time ago. Before I came to the States. Her father didn't want her to see me. She was from a very respectable family. Mine was, you know, not so respectable. Her dad went nuts every time she'd take off to see me.
Mathilda: But she still snuck off to see you, right?
Léon: Right.
Mathilda: You see, nothing can stop love, Léon.

Léon: Sorry about your father.
Mathilda: If somebody didn't do it one day or another, I probably would have done it myself.

Ethan: [stopping Krieger from killing a guard] Zero bodycount.
Franz: We'll see.

Léon: The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.

Léon: I took a hit. I need a hand now. I know she's young, but she learns fast. Kids need to be shaped into something right?
Tony: Yeah, I know. I taught you that. But ain't there an age limit?
Léon: She's 18.
Tony: Oh, really?

Mathilda: [about Russian roulette] If I win, you keep me with you for life.
Léon: And if you lose?
Mathilda: Go shopping alone, like before.

Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: What's with the chewing gum?
Philippe: It makes us look more American.

Léon: Tony... All the money I make, that you keep for me...
Tony: You need some money?
Léon: No, just curious... Because, I've been working a long time... And I havent done anything with my... I thought maybe someday I could
Léon: use it.
Tony: [Figuring him out] You met a woman.

Philippe: [holding up a doughnut] No croissant?
Jean: No, monsieur.
Philippe: [slurps drink, groans] You call this coffee?
Jean: I call this America.

Philippe: I am Philippe Roaché, DGSE - Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: It sounds big.
Philippe: French Secret Service.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Oh.

Mathilda: [opens rubbing alcohol over drug stash]
Léon: What are you doing?
Mathilda: You said no women, no kids. Who do you think this is gonna kill, junkies and monkeys?

Mathilda: Do you "clean" anyone?
Léon: No women, no kids, that's the rules.
Mathilda: How much would it cost to hire someone to get those dirtbags who killed my brother?
Léon: Five grand a head.
Mathilda: Wow. How about this: I work for you; in exchange, you teach me how to clean. Hmmm? What do you think? I'll clean your place, I'll do the shopping, I'll even wash your clothes. Is it a deal?

Mathilda: Leon, what exactly do you do for a living?
Léon: Cleaner.
Mathilda: You mean you're a hit man?
Léon: [reluctantly] Yeah.
Mathilda: Cool.