The Best Malky Quotes

Old: [investigating the noise] What's happening out there?
Malky: All right, ma'am, go away, DEA. Police.
Old: Why don't you leave that poor family alone?
Malky: [to Stansfield] It's all right, everything's al right. Just calm down.
Stansfield: I am calm.
[loads his gun, looks at old lady]
Stansfield: I'm calm.
Old: Why don't you leave them alone?
Stansfield: [shoots the window next to her] He said, "Go back inside".

Stansfield: I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven. Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass and you can hear the growin' and you can hear the insects. Do you like Beethoven?
Malky: I couldn't really say.