The Best Jeff Hastings Quotes

Penelope: The Helmsman's Wife. I just finished it. It's so sad.
Jeff: I just started it.
Penelope: Oh! Sorry. It's a great read to that bit. The end, the sad bit, with the wife. Super tragic. You know?
Jeff: I do now.
Penelope: You're Jeff, right?
Jeff: You are...
Penelope: Penelope Garcia. Nice to see you.
Jeff: I'm sorry. I don't think we've met.
Penelope: We haven't. I'm with the FBI.
Jeff: Good for you.
Penelope: Why did you pull that story?
Jeff: You should know.
Penelope: The FBI didn't tell you to pull it, did they?
Jeff: No, no, no, I'm not saying jack to you. You already ruined one ending for me.
Penelope: Listen, two families died in those fires. You were suspicious, and you were right to be.
Jeff: You don't look like an agent to me.
Penelope: I'm a hired nerd for the Behavioral Analysis Unit.
Jeff: You think it's a serial killer?
Penelope: I think that theory should be at the beginning part of your story.
Jeff: There's no story. Not the one that I want to tell.
Penelope: Okay, maybe not now, but when whoever is telling you to pull it is no longer a threat, with the right source it could be front page. It could be the next Watergate. It could lead to a book. Your book.
Jeff: The threat being to the shareholders.