The Best Joanne Baron Quotes

Brenda the Waitress: [to Luc, who has devoured many, many plates of food at the diner] That's a lot of food you've put away, boy.
Luc: It's good food.
Brenda the Waitress: Yup. You gonna be able to pay for all that?
[Luc looks at her dumbfounded, she senses the answer and calls to the back]
Brenda the Waitress: HANK! We got a deadbeat here!
Hank the Cook: [Comes out from the kitchen] Hey, punk, I been slavin' all day makin' that slop!
Luc: The food is good.
Hank the Cook: Fuckin' A it is. The question is,
[grabs him by the shirt and stands him up]
Hank the Cook: how are you going to pay for it?
Luc: [Nonchalantly] I don't know.
Hank the Cook: You don't know. Ain't that cute? I'm gonna bust your head, punk!
Luc: [Unfazed] I don't want to hurt you.
Hank the Cook: Awww, he don't wanna hurt ol' Hank.
[Takes a swing at Luc, and is easily beaten by him. Luc then proceeds to do the same thing to every patron in the café who steps up to him]