The Best Luc Deveraux Quotes

Dr. Christopher Gregor: [Seeing Sgt Scott on the monitor] Scott thinks he's still in Vietnam fighting the insurgents. He doesn't realize he's alive.
Luc: He's not. He's dead. Just like me.

Veronica: Oh man, I'd kill for a cigarette right now
Luc: You'd kill someone for a cigarette?
Veronica: No. It's an expression, a figure of speech. I wouldn't exactly kill someone for a cigarette. I'd hurt them real bad at this point, but I won't kill 'em.

Scott: You're dead soldier...
Luc: No... I'm alive.

Luc: Sarge, you want me? I am here. Let the girl go!
Scott: Don't tell me what to do, soldier! I give the orders around here, and you're gonna have to learn that! She's a fucking gook traitor! I gave you an order to kill her, and now you must fulfill that order, Private!
Luc: Sarge, the war is over.
Scott: Not for me! Not for her! And not for *you*!
[they begin fighting]

Brenda the Waitress: [to Luc, who has devoured many, many plates of food at the diner] That's a lot of food you've put away, boy.
Luc: It's good food.
Brenda the Waitress: Yup. You gonna be able to pay for all that?
[Luc looks at her dumbfounded, she senses the answer and calls to the back]
Brenda the Waitress: HANK! We got a deadbeat here!
Hank the Cook: [Comes out from the kitchen] Hey, punk, I been slavin' all day makin' that slop!
Luc: The food is good.
Hank the Cook: Fuckin' A it is. The question is,
[grabs him by the shirt and stands him up]
Hank the Cook: how are you going to pay for it?
Luc: [Nonchalantly] I don't know.
Hank the Cook: You don't know. Ain't that cute? I'm gonna bust your head, punk!
Luc: [Unfazed] I don't want to hurt you.
Hank the Cook: Awww, he don't wanna hurt ol' Hank.
[Takes a swing at Luc, and is easily beaten by him. Luc then proceeds to do the same thing to every patron in the café who steps up to him]

Veronica: I figured you had to be French or something because of your accent.
Luc: What accent?

Luc: I just want to go home.

Scott: Say good night, asshole.
Luc: Good night, asshole.

Luc: You're discharged... Sarge.

Veronica: Where is he?
Luc: Around.

Luc: [asking Veronica to help him look on his naked body for a tracer] Look for something hard.
Luc: [looking down] Is that supposed to be there?
Veronica: Yes, yes it's very normal.

Veronica: You know, why don't you...
[shocked to see Luc]
Veronica: What are you doing?
Luc: It's not safe for you out here.
Veronica: Where're your clothes?
Luc: I have to... I have to cool down.