The Best Leon Rippy Quotes

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: I just got to have a little somethin' to jump-start the morning and a little somethin' else to shut down the night.
Doctor: You have no medical need.
L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: Well, it ain't a matter of need, darling, it's a matter of survival.
Doctor: Sorry.
L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: Not to worry, Old Watosh will scuffle along th' best way he can.

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: [to Data] Duty calls, hey, I understand. Why don't you come back later on an' you and me'll find us a couple o' low-mileage pit woofies and help 'em build a memory?

Brad: Holy shit!
Hendershot: Stay down, bubba.
[looks at the destruction of the Dixie-Boy]
Hendershot: Holy shit!
Frank: Oh lordi!

Garth: [Observing Sgt Scott breaking an unconscious terrorist's neck] I think homeboy's startin' to like this shit.
Woodward: Don't be ridiculous.

Lt. Commander Data: Inquiry: you do not seem to be having as much difficulty adjusting to your current circumstances as the others.
L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: You mean bein' here on this tub, 400 years from where I started? Oh, heck, it's the same dance, it's just a different tune.

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: [trying out the replicator] I'd like me, uh, a thick Kansas City steak and, uh, some country fried potatoes and, uh, a mess of greens. Oh, hell, just forget all that and give me a martini, straight up with, uh, two olives - for the vitamins!

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: [to Dr. Crusher] You know, you're just about the prettiest little doctor I've ever seen.

[first lines]
Sheriff: [punching Sam] Lesson number one: it never pays to get smart with me!

[the Sheriff comes in to discover one of his prisoners has vanished during the night]
Sheriff: Where is George?
Joseph: Gone.
Sheriff: How?
Joseph: I turned him into a raven. He flew away.
Sheriff: Why didn't you go with him?
Joseph: I can only turn into a wolf. I'm too big for the bars.

Lt. General W.O. West: So you think you've solved in fourteen days what they couldn't solve in two years?

Woodward: Colonel Perry. We killed an innocent man.
Colonel: What do you suggest we do, Woodward? Let that reporter run off with one of our UniSols?
Woodward: We can't just cover this up. We have a moral obligation to tell the truth about this.
Colonel: I thought you were more clever than that, Woodward. This whole goddamn program is off the shelf. Do you really think for one second those wimps at the Pentagon... would allow the regeneration of dead soldiers, American soldiers?

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: What do you guys do? I mean, you don't drink and you ain't got no TV. Must be kind of boring, innit?

Dewey: [Walker kicks out the taillight on Bakers car] I like that, Walker... You're a lawman that knows how to improvise.

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: What's this 'Neutral Zone'?
Lt. Commander Data: It is a buffer between the Romulan Empire and the Federation.
L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: Why does that make me nervous?
Lt. Commander Data: I do not know.
L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: Well, we won't be invitin' these Romulans to our party, will we?
Lt. Commander Data: No, that would not be... appropriate.

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: [about committing to the cryonics companies] The whole deal was a long shot, but I figured, what the hell, might as well give them the dough instead o' leavin' it to my ex-wives!

L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: Let's see if the Braves are on, how do you cut on this teevee?
Commander William T. Riker: Teevee?
L. Q. 'Sonny' Clemonds: Yeah, the boob tube. Uh, I'd like to see how the Braves are doing after all this time. Probably still finding ways to lose.