The Best Joe Grifasi Quotes

Bandleader: Angela and Steven, if you don't spill a drop, it's good luck for the rest of your life.
[Steven and Angela drink from conjoined goblets, and a few drops spill on Angela]

James: We move to stay this proceeding, Your Honor, pending resolution of litigation that is the basis of the indictment.
Judge: And what litigation would that be, Mr. Linde?
James: Several civil matters that the People, for some reason, are trying to criminalize.
A.D.A. Claire Kincaid: The defendant beat us to that, Your Honor. His crimes are specified in our complaint.
James: They're good-faith business disputes. We're in the wrong courthouse.
Judge: Sorry, Counselor, but it's the People's ball. They get to decide where to play.
James: Then we plead not guilty.
Judge: At last. I was beginning to think you get paid by the word.