30 Best John David Washington Quotes

Harold: She's so excited.
Valerie: Very excited. Inappropriately excited.

Ron: God bless white America.

Ron: All power to all the people.

Chief: Thank goodness Carmichael has left Colorado Springs.
Ron: Kwame Ture.
Chief: What?
Ron: He changed his name from Stokely Carmichael to Kwame Ture.
Chief: I don't care if he changed his name to that draft dodger Muhammad Ali. He's still dangerous.

Sergeant: I've got a friend, he keeps up with these groups. He says they're moving away from the old violent racist styles. That's what Duke is peddling now, it's become mainstream.
Ron: Duke?
Sergeant: David Duke, current Grand Wizard of The Klan, but, he's always in a three piece suit. He's never seen in a hood or a robe in public. And he now goes by National Director. So, he's clearly got his sights on higher office.
Ron: Politics? How so?
Sergeant: I think it's another way to sell hate. Think about it: Affirmative Action, Immigration, Crime, Tax Reform. He says no one wants to be called a bigot anymore. Because, Archie Bunker made that too un-cool. So, the idea is under all these issues, everyday Americans can accept it, support it, until eventually, one day, you get somebody in the White House that embodies it.
Ron: Huh, sorry. Come on. America would never elect somebody like David Duke, President of the United States of America.
Sergeant: Coming from a black man, that's pretty naive. Why don't you wake up?

Ron: Why haven't you bought into this?
Flip: Why should I?
Ron: Because you're Jewish, Brother. The so-called Chosen People. You've been passing for a WASP. White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Cherry pie, hot dog, white boy. It's what some light-skinned black folks do, they pass for white.

- That's the man who pushed Liz meekins.
- And he must've got bored waiting because he started to leave, and then we decided to follow him.
- And he led us to Rockland county.
Harold: To an unmarked brick building.

- Henry. Paul. General.
- Thank you.
- Farewell for now.
Harold: Milton.
- B u rt: Part of me wished
- I did run with my friends.
- But / didn't.
- You want for your heart and for your people to follow the fight god home.

Ron: With the right white man, we can do anything.

Flip: For you it's a crusade. For me it's a job.
Ron: You're Jewish. They hate you. Doesn't that piss you off? Why are you acting like you don't got skin in the game?

Ron: Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud! Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud!

TTD: I'm fucked up? You're the one making gift baskets to hush up some girls you brought home from the club.
Ricky: It always worked for Jeter.
Ricky: You ain't Derek jeter. You ain't even Derek Fisher. Those motherfuckers got rings and class.
Ricky: You saying I ain't got class?
TTD: You got caught pounding ass in a public restroom. That's some A-Rod shit.

Patrice: Are you down for the liberation of black people?
Ron: Power to the people.
Patrice: All power to all the people.
Ron: That's right, Sista.

Ron: Hello, this is Ron Stallworth calling. Who am I speaking with?
David: This is David Duke.
Ron: The Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, *that* David Duke?
David: The last time I checked. What can I do you for?
Ron: Well, since you asked, I hate Niggers, I hate Jews. Spics and Mexs. Italians and Chinks. But my mouth to God's ears, I really hate those black rats, and anyone else really that doesn't have pure white Aryan blood running through their veins!
David: I'm happy to be talking to a true white American.
Ron: God bless white America.

Ron: Chief, some of us can speak the King's English and other's speak jive. Ron Stallworth, here, happens to be fluent in both.

[last lines]
Harold: Amsterdam.
Valerie: Amsterdam.

Dolphins: Jarret, there are very few people that deserve a second chance, and there's less that deserve a third. Are you one of those people?
Ricky: Yes sir. Absolutely.

Patrice: You jive turkey.
Ron: Who you callin' jive turkey? Jive?
Patrice: I'm callin' *you* a jive turkey!

Ron: [singing] It's too late to turn back now, I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love...

Chief: We've got limited time so I'll be quick. The black radical Stokely Carmichael is giving a speech tonight at Bell's Nightingale.
Ron: Yep.
Chief: Carmichael is a former high muckity-muck with The Black Panthers and as far as I'm concerned, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was dead right when he said the Black Panthers are the greatest internal threat to the security of these United States. This Carmichael joker, former Panther or not, well they say he is a damn good speaker and so we don't want this Carmichael getting into the minds of the good black people here in Colorado Springs and stirring them up. Ron, your assignment is to go to this speech tonight, infiltrate these bunch of subversives and just monitor the audience reaction to Carmichael's speech. You ready?
Ron: Born ready!

Charles: Some little hottie from the boat is sending me bikini pics.
Ricky: That don't sound like trouble to me.
Charles: Yeah, well, you ain't married to a ninja.
Ricky: You need to get a bat phone.

Chief: Gettin' pretty chummy with her, huh?
Ron: No. Just doin' my job, Chief. Undercover.
Chief: Well, let's just make sure it ain't undercover of the sheets.

Officer: Wow! Cybil Shepard.
Ron: I loved her in "The Last Picture Show."
Officer: Never saw it. I don't like black and white movies. So, what do you think?
Ron: I think she's a really good actress.
Officer: [picks a "Life" magazine with photo of Cybil Shepard on the cover] Oh, come on, you know you want some of that.

Ron: [answering a phone call from Duke] Mr. Duke, I'm so sorry we didn't get to spend more one-on-one time together.
David: Well, that was a just a tragedy. I had just met those heroic brothers in the cause.
Flip: Heroic.
Ron: Yeah. And the chapter is just shaken at the core.
David: Oh.
Ron: Yeah. And poor Connie, right? I mean, not only does she lose her husband, but...
Flip: Poor Connie.
Jimmy: Connie's going away.
Flip: We feel bad for Connie.
Ron: [continuing] ... she's looking at serious prison time.
David: My God. And then there was that Nigger detective. Basically...
[the officers laugh]
Ron: [to the other officers] Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut up, shut up.
Ron: Those goddamn coloreds they sure know how to spoil a celebration.
Jimmy: [to Flip] Hey, you're getting me in trouble.
David: [to Ron] Christ, you can say that again.
Ron: Those goddamn coloreds sure know how to spoil a celebration. Can I ask you a question, sir?
David: Shoot.
Ron: That Nigger detective, did you ever did you ever get his name?
David: No. I don't think I...
Ron: Are-uh you sure you don't know who he is? Are-uh you absolutely sure? 'Cause that Nigga, coon, gator bait, spade, spook, Sambo, spear-chucking jungle bunny, Mississippi wind chime...
David: Wind chime?
Ron: [continuing] ... detective is Ron Stallworth, you racist, peckerwood, redneck, inch worm, needle-dick motherfucker!
[Ron hangs up, leaving Duke bewildered]

Jimmy: What if someone offers you a marijuana cigarette?
Ron: You mean a joint?
Jimmy: Yeah. Mary Jane. Excuse me.
Ron: "Soul Brotha, I'm already high on life. Can you dig it?"

Ron: [asking Flip to help take a photo of him with David and another Klansman] Can you take this picture of us, please?
Flip: All right, don't touch me.
Ron: Great. All right, all right, thank you so much. Thank you. Here we go. One, two, three!
[just before Flip takes the picture, Ron puts his arms around Duke and the other Klansman]
David: Jesus H. Christ! What did you just do, boy? I mean, what the hell did you just do?
Ron: Sir, if you lay a finger on me, I'll arrest your ass for assaulting a police officer. That's worth about five years in prison. Try me. See if I'm playing.
David: Why don't you come down to Louisiana sometime? See how we play.
Flip: Boy, you better get your Nigger ass out of here now.
Ron: Mm-hmm, America first.

Flip: What do we listen to?
Ron: KWYD. Christian Talk in The Morning, although the signal starts to cut out near Pueblo. On the way back, I like to turn it to 102.7 to get my Allman Brothers fix. Only, I have to change it every time that British fag David Bowie pipes on.
Jimmy: Oh-oh-oh, I love Bowie.
Ron: Who doesn't, right? Remember you have to retain the information you share with these guys so I can be white Ron Stallworth.

Ron: Any chance this thing fucks up?
Flip: Oh, fuck yeah.
Ron: Then what?
Jimmy: Just stick to the game plan.
Ron: Which is?
Flip: Improvise. Like jazz.
Jimmy: Like be-bop!

Harold: The place looks the same; smells of mothballs, like your marriage.
Burt: Thanks, pal.
Harold: What are friends for, if not honesty?

Sgt. Morris: Need a file on a toad.
[Ron doesn't respond]
Sgt. Morris: You deaf? I said I need information on a toad.
Ron: No toads here.
Sgt. Morris: Excuse me?
Ron: I said, I don't have any Toads. I do have human beings and if you give me their names I can pull the files.
Sgt. Morris: [Sgt. Morris scowls. Ron stares back at him. Eye to eye] Heard you think you hot shit but you ain't nuthin' but a cold fart. Name's Maurice, Maurice Smalls... That respectful enough for you, Officer Toad?
Ron: [Ron pulls the file, throws it down on the counter. As Sgt. Morris takes the file, Ron puts his hand on it, stopping him] Let me tell you something sergeant. The day of the Toads in The Records Room is over. You want to find a Toad... go look in the water out at Rainbow Falls. They got them there.
[Sgt. Morris snatches the file from the counter and storms off as Ron watches him go]