The Best Jonah Hex Quotes

Bartholomew: They sprung me while I was here incognito to see what I could find out about Tobias.
Sheriff: Find out anything?
Bartholomew: Among other moral failings, the man cheats at poker.
Jonah: [scoffs] I could have told you that.

Jonah: Fancy gun-belts you've got there. I'm thinking you folks are time-travelers.
Bruce: Where would you get a crazy idea like that?
Jonah: Experience. I've had an interesting life.

Jonah: Shots are spookin' the horses.
Bat: Shots are spookin' *me*!

Green: So what's the plan?
Jonah: Plan? We put him in the ground.

Green: Near as my ring can figure, that's everything that shouldn't be here.
Bat: Shoot. I wanted me one of them fancy ray guns.
Jonah: Ain't dependable. They jam.