The Best Jonas Kahnwald Quotes

Charlotte: What are you doing here?
Jonas: Bringing someone back from the dead.
Charlotte: How does that work?
Jonas: It's very hard to explain.
Charlotte: [looking at the dead birds] Can you bring these back?
Jonas: No, you have to find them when they're younger.
Charlotte: But then, they're not dead yet.
Jonas: That doesn't change the fact that they will die.
Charlotte: You're crazy.
Jonas: Maybe.

Jonas: I thought I had more time. Why does everyone say that? "To have time." How can we say that, when it's time that has us?

(2017): People are peculiar creatures. All their actions are driven by desire, their caracter forged by pain. As much as they might try to suppress the pain, to repress desire, they cannot liberate themselves from eternal servitude to their feelings.

(2017): People are peculiar creatures. All their actions are driven by desire, their character forged by pain. As much as they might try to suppress the pain, to repress desire, they cannot liberate themselves from eternal servitude to their feelings.

Jonas: You could have saves Mikkel! Now I have another grandma and she's the principal of my school. Her husband, who's fucking my mom, is looking for his son, who's my father!

Jonas: What time are you from?
Martha: The question isn't from what time, but from what world.