The Best Noah Quotes

(2017): Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard. Led by an unknown hand. Their lives exist only to be sacrificed for a higher goal. Jonas, Mikkel, the children, they're nothing but unfortunate, yet necessary chess moves in an eternal war between good and evil.

Noah: Your pain defines who you are but it no longer holds power on you

Helge: If there is no God, then why do we believe in a lie?
Noah: Because we prefer any lie to the pain.

Helge: Why would God want any of this?
Noah: Yes, why would God want any of this? After looking into hell, as you have, it can never be forgotten. It becomes a part of you. And the idea of God, of Jesus the Savior, becomes a thread of hope you cling to. All of us who know the darkness long for the light, but... there is no God. God didn't make this hole among us. God doesn't have a plan. There is no plan at all. There's nothing but chaos out there. Pain... and chaos.