The Best Jonathan Pangborn Quotes

[after credits]
[Pangborn senses someone in his workshop]
Jonathan: Can I help you?
Baron: They carried you into Kamar-Taj on a stretcher. Look at you now, Pangborn.
Jonathan: Mordo. So what can I do for you, man?
Baron: I've been away for many months now and I've had a revelation. The true purpose of a sorcerer is to twist things out of their proper shape. Stealing power. Perverting nature. Like you.
Jonathan: I've stolen nothing. This is my power. Mine.
Baron: Power has a purpose.
[Pangborn picks up a crowbar and tries to attack Mordo, who strips him of his powers and restores his paralysis]
Jonathan: Why are you doing this?
Baron: Because I see, at long last, what's wrong with the world. Too many sorcerers.