The Best Dr. Christine Palmer Quotes

Christine: Stephen, you always spent money as fast as you can make it, but now you're spending money you don't even have. Maybe it's time to consider stopping.
Dr. Stephen Strange: No, now is exactly not the time to stop, because, you see, I'm not getting any better!
Christine: But this isn't medicine anymore, this is mania. Some things just can't be fixed.
Dr. Stephen Strange: A life without my work...
Christine: Is still a life. This isn't the end, there are other things that can give your life meaning.
Dr. Stephen Strange: [bitter] Like what? Like you?
Christine: [Hurt and angry] And this is the part where you apologize.
Dr. Stephen Strange: This is the part where you leave.

Dr. Stephen Strange: I'm talking tonight at a Neurological Society dinner. Come with me.
Christine: Another speaking engagement? So romantic.
Dr. Stephen Strange: You used to love coming to those things with me. We had fun together.
Christine: No, you had fun. They weren't about us, they were about you.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Not only about me.
Christine: Stephen. Everything is about you.

Dr. Stephen Strange: I love you. I love you in every universe. It's not that I don't want to care or want someone to care for me. I'm just...
Dr. Christine Palmer: Scared. Face your fears, Doctor Strange.

Christine: Where have you been?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Well, after Western medicine failed me, I headed east, and I ended up in Kathmandu.
Christine: Kathmandu?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Yeah.
Christine: What? Like the Bob Seger Song?
Dr. Stephen Strange: 1975, Beautiful Loser, side A. Yeah. And I went to a place called Kamar-Taj and I... talked to someone called "The Ancient One." And I...
Christine: Oh. So you joined a cult.
Dr. Stephen Strange: No, I didn't. No, not exactly. No. I mean... They did teach me to tap into powers that I never even knew existed.
Christine: Yeah. That sounds like a cult.
Dr. Stephen Strange: It's not a cult.
Christine: Well, that's what a cultist would say.

Dr. Christine Palmer: There is no living Strange left for you to dreamwalk!
Dr. Stephen Strange: Who said they had to be living?
[possesses Defender Strange's corpse]

Christine: [inscription on Strange's watch] Time will tell how much I love you.

Dr. Christine Palmer: It was never gonna work out between us.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Why not?
Dr. Christine Palmer: Because Stephen... You have to be the one holding the knife. And I always respected you for it, but I couldn't love you for it.
Dr. Stephen Strange: How long have you had that one in the barrel?
Dr. Christine Palmer: Long time.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Yeah, I bet.

Christine: Hey. It's OK. It's gonna be OK.
Dr. Stephen Strange: [looking at his injured hands] Wha... What did they do?
Christine: They... rushed you in a chopper. But it took a little while to find you. The golden hours for nerve damage went by while you were in the car.
Dr. Stephen Strange: What... did they do?
Christine: Eleven stainless steel pins in the bones. Multiple torn ligaments... severe nerve damage in both hands. You were on the table for eleven hours.
Dr. Stephen Strange: [sobs] Look at these fixators.
Christine: No one could have done better.
Dr. Stephen Strange: I could have done better.

Dr. Christine Palmer: Face your fears, Dr. Strange.