The Best Doctor Stephen Strange Quotes

Dr. Stephen Strange: Wanda, you are justifiably angry. You had to make terrible sacrifices.
Scarlet: I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved. And it meant nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange.

Baron: Blackadar Boltagar. Keeper of the Terrigen Mist. King of the Inhumans.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Blackadar Boltagar. Huh.
Dr. Stephen Strange: [rapidly] Hidigy hidithere.

Dr. Stephen Strange: [America Chavez has a bowl of pizza balls] How did you pay for that?
America: It was free. Food's free in most universes, actually. It's weird you guys have to pay for it.
Pizzaball: Hey! You didn't pay for that!
America: [shocked] Crap... maybe it's not free here.

Sinister: Things just got out of hand!

Reed: The building's been breached.
Dr. Stephen Strange: No shit, genius!

Scarlet: You have no idea just how reasonable I've been.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Right. Book of the damned, calling yourself a which, conjuring creatures to abduct a kid. I don't exactly call that being reasonable.
Scarlet: Send those creature after her instead of myself was mercy. And in spite of your hypocrisies and insults I have begged you to safely get out of my way. You have exhausted my patience. But I do hope you understand. That even now. What's about to happen. This is me, being reasonable.

Dr. Stephen Strange: [to Chavez] Trust your power!

Dr. Stephen Strange: Dreams are windows into the lives of our multiversal selves.

Wanda: What if you brought America here?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Here?
Wanda: Yeah. I know what it's like. To be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted. I can protect her.
Wanda: [realizing Strange has stopped walking with her] You never told me her name, did you?
Dr. Stephen Strange: No. No, I didn't.

Dr. Stephen Strange: I love you. I love you in every universe. It's not that I don't want to care or want someone to care for me. I'm just...
Dr. Christine Palmer: Scared. Face your fears, Doctor Strange.

Dr. Stephen Strange: We could use an Avenger.
Wanda: There are other Avengers.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Yeah, but given the choice between the archer with the mohawk and several bug-themed crime fighters, or one of THE most powerful magic wielders on the planet, it's an easy call. Come to Kamar Taj. It'll get you back on a lunch box.

Dr. Christine Palmer: It was never gonna work out between us.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Why not?
Dr. Christine Palmer: Because Stephen... You have to be the one holding the knife. And I always respected you for it, but I couldn't love you for it.
Dr. Stephen Strange: How long have you had that one in the barrel?
Dr. Christine Palmer: Long time.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Yeah, I bet.

Baron: [as Stephen and America are drugged] I'm sorry Stephen. But I hope you understand that it is not Wanda Maximoff who threatens our reality. It's the two of you.
America: What was in that tea?
Dr. Stephen Strange: You son of a bitch.

Sinister: Stop where you are. How did you get here?
Dr. Stephen Strange: By accident.
Sinister: Who are you? What are you?
Dr. Stephen Strange: I'm just one of us.
Sinister: From the Multiverse?
Dr. Stephen Strange: That's right.
Sinister: Prove it.
Dr. Stephen Strange: We had a sister. Donna. She, er... she died when we were kids.
Sinister: How?
Dr. Stephen Strange: We were playing on a frozen lake... and er... she fell through. I couldn't save her.
Sinister: Sounds about right. But we don't talk about that, do we?
Dr. Stephen Strange: No, we don't.

America: How much experience do you guys have with the Multiverse?
Dr. Stephen Strange: We have experience of the Multiverse. Most recently, there was an incident with Spider-Man.
America: What man?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Spider-Man. He has the powers of a spider.
Wong: Hence the name.
America: Gross. Does he look like a spider?
Dr. Stephen Strange: No. No, more like a man.
Wong: Climbs walls, shoots webs.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Yeah. Bingo.
America: Out of his butt?
Wong: No.
Dr. Stephen Strange: No. Well, maybe, I don't know. Honestly, I hope not.

Zombie: This time it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me!

Dr. Christine Palmer: There is no living Strange left for you to dreamwalk!
Dr. Stephen Strange: Who said they had to be living?
[possesses Defender Strange's corpse]

Dr. Stephen Strange: Wanda, what do you know about the Multiverse?
Wanda: The Multiverse. Viz had his theories. He believed it was real... and dangerous.
Dr. Stephen Strange: He was right about both.

Sinister: Here's the deal: I'll give you my Darkhold, if you'll give me your Christine!
Dr. Stephen Strange: I don't think she's going to go for it.
Sinister: No... didn't think so!

[tries to kill Chavez]
Defender: In the grand calculus of the universe, your life is worth less than the millions still living.

Dr. Stephen Strange: Did we just turn into paint in one universe?
America: Yeah. You do not wanna get stuck in there. It's really hard to eat.

Dr. Stephen Strange: What you are doing is every violation of natural law. And if you take that child's power, she won't survive.
Wanda: I don't relish hurting anyone, Stephen. But she's not a child. She's a supernatural being. Such power could reap havoc on this and other worlds. Her sacrifice would be for the greater good.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Well then you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye, because that's the kind of excuse our enemies use.
Wanda: Is it the one you use? When you gave Thanos the Time Stone?
Dr. Stephen Strange: That was war and I did what I had to do.
Wanda: You break the rules and you become the hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair.

Sinister: You ever had that dream when you're falling, as if you've been pushed off a tall building?
[grins evily as his third eye opens up]
Sinister: That was probably me.

America: Surprised you didn't puke.
Dr. Stephen Strange: It's not my first weird trip, kid. So, this is New York in the Multiver...
Dr. Stephen Strange: [vomits copiously in a chimney]
America: There it is.

Dr. Stephen Strange: Are you happy?
Wong: That's an... interesting question. Sometimes I do wonder about my other lives. But I'm still grateful of this one. Even with its own tribulations.

Dr. Stephen Strange: Your children aren't real, you created them by magic.
Scarlet: That's what every mother does.

[Doctor Strange walks through New York]
Clea: [appears] Doctor Strange.
Dr. Stephen Strange: [turns to a sorceress named Clea] Can I help you?
Clea: You caused an incursion, and we're gonna fix it.
[began to slashed a hole in space to the Dark Dimension]
Clea: Unless you're afraid.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Not in the least.
[they both go through]