The Best Wanda Maximoff Quotes

Wanda: Is that why you've come, to end the Avengers?
Ultron: I've come to save the world! But, also... yeah.

Dr. Stephen Strange: Your children aren't real, you created them by magic.
Scarlet: That's what every mother does.

Scarlet: They will never know or need to know what I did for them!
America: But you will.

Scarlet: [to Billy and Tommy] I'm not a monster.

Wanda: Know that they'll be loved.

Reed: Black Bolt can tear you to pieces with one whisper from his mouth.
Wanda: What mouth?
[removes Black Bolt's mouth]

Dr. Stephen Strange: What you are doing is every violation of natural law. And if you take that child's power, she won't survive.
Wanda: I don't relish hurting anyone, Stephen. But she's not a child. She's a supernatural being. Such power could reap havoc on this and other worlds. Her sacrifice would be for the greater good.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Well then you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye, because that's the kind of excuse our enemies use.
Wanda: Is it the one you use? When you gave Thanos the Time Stone?
Dr. Stephen Strange: That was war and I did what I had to do.
Wanda: You break the rules and you become the hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair.

Wanda: Ultron can't see the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?

Scarlet: You have no idea just how reasonable I've been.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Right. Book of the damned, calling yourself a which, conjuring creatures to abduct a kid. I don't exactly call that being reasonable.
Scarlet: Send those creature after her instead of myself was mercy. And in spite of your hypocrisies and insults I have begged you to safely get out of my way. You have exhausted my patience. But I do hope you understand. That even now. What's about to happen. This is me, being reasonable.

Wanda: [to Strange] You break the rules and become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair.

Reed: Wanda, please. I have children of my own, I understand your pain.
Wanda: Is their mother still alive?
Reed: Yes.
Wanda: Good. Then there will be someone left to raise them.

Dr. Stephen Strange: Wanda, you are justifiably angry. You had to make terrible sacrifices.
Scarlet: I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved. And it meant nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange.

Dr. Stephen Strange: We could use an Avenger.
Wanda: There are other Avengers.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Yeah, but given the choice between the archer with the mohawk and several bug-themed crime fighters, or one of THE most powerful magic wielders on the planet, it's an easy call. Come to Kamar Taj. It'll get you back on a lunch box.

Scarlet: [sees Zombie Strange] Dreamwalking, you hypocrite!

- Sam.
- Four.
- Rumilow's on the third floor.
- Wanda, just like we practiced.
Wanda: What about the gas?
- Get it out.

Wanda: What if you brought America here?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Here?
Wanda: Yeah. I know what it's like. To be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted. I can protect her.
Wanda: [realizing Strange has stopped walking with her] You never told me her name, did you?
Dr. Stephen Strange: No. No, I didn't.

Dr. Stephen Strange: Wanda, what do you know about the Multiverse?
Wanda: The Multiverse. Viz had his theories. He believed it was real... and dangerous.
Dr. Stephen Strange: He was right about both.