The Best Joseph Wiseman Quotes

Dr. No: I'm a member of SPECTRE.
Dr. No: SPECTRE - Special Executive for Counter Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power headed by the greatest brains in the world.
James: Correction - criminal brains.
Dr. No: The successful criminal brain is always superior. It has to be.

Dr. No: That's a Dom Perignon '55. It would be a pity to break it.
James: I prefer the '53 myself...

Dr. No: East, West - just points of the compass, each as stupid as the other.

Dr. No: The Americans are fools. I offered my services; they refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.
James: World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Napoleon. Or God.

[Bond admires a huge aquarium. Dr. No enters]
Dr. No: One million dollars, Mr. Bond. You were wondering what it cost.
James: As a matter of fact, I was.

Dr. No: [to Bond] Unfortunately, I misjudged you. You are just a stupid policeman...
[metal door opens and guards enter]
Dr. No: ...whose luck has run out.

James: There's no point in involving the girl at this stage. She has nothing to do with us. Let her go free. She'll promise not to talk.
Honey: No, I won't. I'm staying with you.
James: I don't want you here.
Dr. No: I agree. This is no place for the girl. Take her away.
Honey: No. No! Let go of me.
Dr. No: I'm sure the guards will amuse her.

Dr. No: [about his aquarium] The glass is convex, 10 inches thick, which accounts for the magnifying effect.
James: Minnows pretending they're whales. Just like you on this island, Dr. No.
Dr. No: It depends, Mr. Bond, on which side of the glass you are.

Dr. No: A medium dry martini, lemon peel, shaken, not stirred.
James: Vodka?
Dr. No: Of course.

Professor: Bond came to see me this morning.
Dr. No: Yes. I know. I gave orders that he should be killed. Why is he still alive?
Professor: Our attempts failed.
Dr. No: *Your* attempts failed. I do not like failure. You are not going to fail me again, Professor.

Jack: Either you lied on the stand, Mr Bergeen, or you lied to the police. There's about five felonies we can charge you with. Do you really want to go to jail?
Jack: . Tell us the truth!
Seymour: The truth is: I love my daughters. Both of them!
Jack: We'll see how much they love you.

Dr. No: [to Bond] I was curious to see what kind of man you were. I thought there may be even a place for you with SPECTRE.
James: I'm flattered. I'd prefer the Revenge Department. Of course, my first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.