Top 150 Quotes From James Bond

Receptionist: Bon jour, Monsieur.
James: Do you serve men here?
Receptionist: But, of course. Some men more than others.

Largo: Are you a man who enjoys games?
James: Depends with whom I'm playing.

Fatima: You know that making love to Fatima was the greatest pleasure of your life.
James: Well, to be perfectly honest, there was this girl in Philadelphia...
Fatima: SHUT UP!
Fatima: *I* am the best.
James: Yes. Yes, you're right. In fact, i was going to put you in my memoirs as "Number One".
Fatima: Right.

Major: [to M, referring to Bond's Beretta] Nice and light... in a lady's handbag.
M: Any comment, 007?
James: I disagree, sir. I've carried the Beretta for ten years, and I've never missed with it.
M: No, but it jammed on you last job, and you spent six months in hospital in consequence. When you carry a 00 number, you have a license to kill, not get killed. Furthermore, since I've been head of MI7
[sic - MI6]
M: there's been a forty percent drop in casualties, and I want to keep it that way. From now on you carry the Walther... unless you'd rather return to standard intelligence duties.
James: No sir, I would not.
M: [to Boothroyd] Show him, Armourer.
Major: [to Bond] Walther PPK, 7.65 millimeter, with a delivery like a brick through a plate-glass window. The American CIA swear by them.

Bond: [draping arm around nurse] Do I seem healthy to you?
Pat: Too healthy, by far.

Leiter: It's gonna be your ass, James.
James: Thank you.

Q: Now here's something I want you to use with special care. With special care.
James: Everything you give me...
Q: You treat it with equal contempt. Yes, I know, but that's an underwater camera. It takes eight pictures in rapid succession by pressing that button now.
James: Is that clever?
Q: If it can take pictures in the dark with an infrared film, yes.

Bond: Madame, I've, uh, come to offer my sincere condolences.
[slugs madame in the jaw]
Bond: My dear Colonel Bouvar, I don't think you should have opened that car door by yourself.

Miss: Uh uh. In the conference room. Something pretty big. Every double-oh man in Europe's been rushed in. *And* the Home Secretary, too.
James: Somebody's probably lost a dog.

James: One takes cyanide, another would've stood for her arm being broken, neither would talk. Who puts that sort of scare into people?

[last lines]
Bond: [helping Domino into a life raft] Up.

James: Now, don't worry, Quarrel. Everything's going to be fine.
Quarrel: You say so, Captain. Bottom part of where my belly used to be tells me different.
James: For me, Crab Key's going to be a gentle relaxation.
Felix: From what? Dames?
James: No, from being a clay pigeon.

James: I won't need one of these where I'm going.
Q: Where's that or - are you not allowed to say?
James: The Bahamas.
Q: Oh, lucky, bloody you!

Hotel: One medium dry vodka martini, mixed like you said, sir, and not stirred.
James: Thank you.

M: I send you to a health farm to get yourself in shape! Instead you DEMOLISH it! Now I've had to notify the local police, get a minister to muzzle the press, and allocate a sizable chunk of my meager budget to renovating the establishment!
James: A man DID try to kill me, sir.
M: Oh! Caught you seducing his wife, did he?
James: No, sir, not at all. But, in fact, I did lose 4 lbs and God knows how many free radicals.
M: [slams the table] That is the KIND of attitude that tempts me to suspend you, 007!

James: What exactly are we going down for?
Fatima: Sport - and a little fun.

James: What's your name?
Honey: Ryder.
James: Ryder what?
Honey: Honey Ryder.

Honey: [singing] Underneath the mango tree, La-la-la-la-de, Come watch for the moon, La-la-la mango tree, Me honey and me make boolooloop, Underneath the mango tree, Make boolooloop soon, La-la-la-de-da-da, Me honey and me...
James: [singing] Underneath the mango tree, Ma honey and me...
Honey: Who's that?

James: [Playfully] Once more into the breach, dear friends.
Miss: And one plane ticket, lucky man. I've never been to Istanbul.
James: You've never been to Istanbul? Where the moonlight on the Bosphorus is irresistible.
Miss: Maybe I should get you to take me there someday. I've tried everything else.
James: Darling, Moneypenny, you know I've never even looked at another woman.
Miss: Oh, really James?
James: Let me tell you the secret of the world...
[Interrupted by M]

Construction: [Hearse chasing Bond drives off a cliff] How did it happen?
James: I think they were on their way to a funeral.

Miss: Have you got an assignment, James?
James: Yes, Moneypenny. I'm to eliminate all free radicals.
Miss: Ooh. Do be careful.

James: I hope you're not... disappointed.
Tatiana: I will tell you... in the morning.

[Moneypenny, M, and other officials are listening to Bond's taped interview of Tatiana Romanova]
Tatiana: There are 24 symbols, 16 code keys. It is inserted in a slot and de message comes out in a peppa roll from a nozzle slot on ze other side. The mechanism is... Oh James, James... Will you make love to me all the time in England?
James: Day and night. Go on about the mechanism.

James: Hello, again. I do owe you an explanation. My name is Bond, James Bond. May I offer you a drink?

Count: [after Bond slides a broom handle through the handles of doors on a sitting steam bath that Lippe is in] What the hell do you think you're doing?
Bond: Now don't you worry, I'll tell the chef!
Count: Let me out of this bloody machine!

Domino: Oh! Could you go a little lower, please.
James: Lower?
Domino: Yes, please. Yes. Oh, right there. Oh, it feels *so* good!

James: Crab Key begins to interest me. What else do we know about this Chinese gentleman?
Felix: Nothing much, except his name: Dr. No.

Miss: [as Bond unzips her towel dress] What's going on behind my back?
James: Nothing. Look, no hands!
[they kiss passionately]

[Bond shows M a picture of Dominique Derval, the Vulcan pilot's sister]
M: Do we know where she is now?
James: Nassau.
M: Do you think she's worth going after?
James: Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that, sir...

[after making love to Pat, Bond sees something suspicious on the grounds, and gets up to investigate]
Pat: James, where are you going?
James: Oh, nowhere. I just thought I'd take a little, uh... exercise.
Pat: You must be joking.

James: Pardon me, do you have a match?
Kerim's: I use a lighter.
James: Better still.
Kerim's: Until they go wrong.
James: Exactly.

James: My name is Bond.
Patricia: Oh, you're Mr. Bond. I believe I'm having you in half an hour.
James: Oh, splendid. Your room or mine?

James: Let's just say that Istanbul's a rough town.

James: There's no point in involving the girl at this stage. She has nothing to do with us. Let her go free. She'll promise not to talk.
Honey: No, I won't. I'm staying with you.
James: I don't want you here.
Dr. No: I agree. This is no place for the girl. Take her away.
Honey: No. No! Let go of me.
Dr. No: I'm sure the guards will amuse her.

[explaining why she believes the legend about Crab Key's fire-breathing dragon]
Honey: How well do you know about animals? Did you ever see a mongoose dance? Or, a scorpion with sunstroke sting itself to death? Or, a praying mantis eat her husband after making love?
James: I hate to admit it, but, I haven't.
Honey: Well, I have.

[Fatima Blush lands in James Bond's arms when she water-skis up the ramp to the bar]
Fatima: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
James: Yes, but my martini is still dry. My name is James.

James: Tell me, does the toppling of American missiles really compensate for having no hands?

James: There's a saying in England: Where there's smoke, there's fire.

[after shooting down a SPECTRE helicopter]
James: I'd say one of their aircraft is missing.

Pat: Take off your bath robe, please.
Bond: You never say that as if you meant it.
Pat: Arms above your head, please.
[Bond makes a pass]
Pat: Behave yourself, Mr. Bond!

James: Vodka on the rocks, please.

James: Is it far to the reef?
Fatima: It's far enough. We've got time to kill.

Bond: Keep in touch.
Pat: Anytime, James. Anyplace.
Bond: Another time, another place.

[James and Honey are marooned in a boat in the middle of the ocean. A Coast Guard boat carrying Leiter appears]
James: Well, hello! What are you doing here? Do you need help?
[Honey stands up in the boat]
Felix: I'm quite sure you don't.

James: What's the Americans' story on how the damn things were stolen?

Patricia: Lentil delight, dandelion salad, goat's cheese.
James: Beluga caviar, quails eggs, vodka, foie gras - Strasbourg.

[Showing prisoners Bond and Honey around their cell]
Sister: Don't hesitate to ring if there's anything else you want. Anything at all.
James: Two air tickets to London?

Domino: He's a wonderful person. The trouble is, I never meet anyone like him.
Bond: Only men like Largo and myself.
Domino: You are not like Largo.
Bond: Why do you say that?
Domino: The way you - hold me.

Sylvia: When did you say you had to leave?
[Sylvia and Bond kiss passionately]
James: Immediately... almost immediately.

James: You believe in living dangerously. I can see that.
Miss: What do you mean?
James: Sitting around with wet hair, you'll die of pneumonia.

Emilio: Someone has to lose.
Bond: Yes, I thought I saw a specter at your shoulder.
Emilio: What do you mean?
Bond: The specter of defeat. That your luck was due to change.
Emilio: We'll soon find out.

Emilio: I collect big game fish for various marine institutions. Magnificent creatures.
Bond: Mm, charming.
Emilio: The notorious Golden Grotto Sharks. The most savage. The most dangerous.
Bond: Mm!
Emilio: They know when it's time for them to be fed.

[first lines]
Madame: The coffin - it has your initials: J.B.
Bond: At the moment, rather him than me.
Madame: At least you've been saved the effort of removing him. Colonel Bouvar passed away in his sleep, so they tell me.
Bond: Mm...
Madame: You sound disappointed you did not kill him yourself.
Bond: I am. Jacques Bouvar murdered two of my colleagues.

[referring to a billboard advertising "Call Me Bwana", starring Anita Ekberg]
Kerim: She has a lovely mouth, that Anita.
James: Yes, I see what you mean.

James: [In the lab, curious about yet another one of Q's interesting little spy gadgets] What is this for?
Q: I'll show you. You unscrew it... then stick it up your nose.
Q: [as he sticks the inhaler up his nose and sniffs] For my sinus.

Kerim: Take a look. You should remember him. This man kills for pleasure.
James: [Sarcastically] Nice face.

Donald: We were keeping you alive until you could get us the Lektor.
James: So, you had me deliver it on a silver plate? That's brilliant. Go on, I'm fascinated.
Donald: Now that we've got it, you and the girl are expendable... from here onto Trieste.
James: The girl? Isn't she working for SPECTRE too?
Donald: No. She thinks she's doing it all for Mother Russia. She takes her orders from Colonel Klebb. And so do I.
James: Rosa Klebb? But Colonel Rosa Klebb is a Russian, head of operations for SMERSH.
Donald: Correction: was. Klebb works for SPECTRE now. The girl doesn't know that.
James: But why kill her?
Donald: Orders. That's only half of it, old man.
[Grant pulls out a roll of 8mm film and an envelope from his suit pocket]
Donald: Here's a roll of film. She'll have this in her handbag. And on you they'll find this letter. It's from her, threatening to give the film to the press unless you marry her for helping you steal the Lektor.
James: [confused] What film?
Donald: [sneers] Taken in the bridal suite at your hotel. Something else the girl didn't know about... or you.

Man: Great sport, this!
Woman in a Punt: What?
Man: I said, it's great sport, this punting!
[Their punt passes another one beached behind some reeds, where James and Sylvia are making out]
James: I couldn't agree with him more.
Sylvia: Mmm, I may even give up golf for it.

James: Is it conceivable that he could have used a false eye?
M: Oh, do come along, Bond! Let's think of a more logical explanation, shall we?

Nurse: Mr. Bond, I need a urine sample. If you could fill this beaker for me?
James: From here?

Bond: I understand you're Mr. Largo's niece?
Domino: Sounds better than - what would you say? Mistress? Kept woman?

James: I'm a friend of Commander Strangways.
Quarrel: Now, ain't that nice. I like people who's friends of people.

[last lines]
Tatiana: [removes ring and hands it to Bond] Here you are. In case you ever need it again.
James: Oh, yes. All government property has to be accounted for. But as I said before, we won't always be working on the company's time. Will we?
Tatiana: No
[Tatiana kisses Bond passionately]
Tatiana: James, behave yourself. We are being filmed.
James: Oh, not again.
[Bond pulls a film reel from his pocket and unwinds it]
James: He was right, you know.
Tatiana: What is it?
James: I'll show you.
[Bond kisses Tatiana and throws the film away]

James: Commander Pederson, are you equipped with the new XT-7B's?
Captain: That's Top Secret! How do you know about them?
James: From a Russian translation of one of your service manuals. Sorry, old boy.

[refering to the irriating catchphrase Grant keeps repeating]
James: "Old man?" Is that what you chaps in SMERSH call each other?
Donald: SMERSH?
James: [after a pause] Of course... SPECTRE. And it wasn't a Russian show at all. You've been playing us off against each other, haven't you? And it was SPECTRE who killed the Russian agent in the mosque. You?
Donald: [quietly] Uh-huh.
James: Kerim and the other man?
Donald: Uh-huh.
James: And Nash?
Donald: Oh, I don't mind talking. I get a kick out of watching the great James Bond find out what a bloody fool he's been making of himself. We're pros, Mr. Bond. We sweated your recognition code out of one of your men in Tokyo... before he died. I've been keeping tabs on you. I've been your guardian angel. Saved your life at the Gypsy camp.
[there is a short pause as Bond thinks back and remembers]
James: Oh, yes. I'm much obliged.

James: How about a cigarette?
Donald: Not a chance.
James: I'll pay for it.
Donald: What with?
James: Fifty gold sovereigns.

Domino: Thank you, Mister...?
Bond: James Bond. I arrived soon after you went down. I've been admiring your form.
Domino: Have you, now? You're name's James Bond and you've been admiring my form?
Bond: Mm, most girls just paddle around. You swim like a man.
Domino: So do you.
Bond: Well, I've had quite a bit of practice. Do you come here often?
Domino: Whenever I am bored. Practically every day.
Bond: Mm hmm.

James: You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.
Tatiana: Thank you, but I think my mouth is too big.
James: No, it's the right size... for me, that is.

Miss: James, how else will you recognize her?
James: Can't miss. She has two moles on her left thigh.

[Professor Dent tries to kill Bond, but his gun is out of bullets]
James: That's a Smith & Wesson and you've had your six.
[Bond shoots Dent twice]

Emilio: You wish to put the evil eye on me, eh? We have a way to deal with that where I come from.
James: You may hex me. Let's see what it does for the cards.

Emilio: *Every* man has his passion. Mine is fishing. What is yours, Mr. Bond?
Bond: Well, I'm not what you'd call a passionate man.
[eyes Domino]
Domino: [chuckles] I think it's time I went to change.
Emilio: You must let me show you around.
Bond: Oh, I'd love that!
Emilio: I *thought* you might.

James: C'est la vie.
Domino: C'est la vie?
James: Such is life.
Domino: Such is life.

James: You appear tense.
Fatima: You affect me, James.
James: Well, that's bad. Going down, one should always be relaxed.

[after making love to the evil Fiona Volpe]
James: My dear girl, don't flatter yourself. What I did this evening was for King and country. You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a women and she stars to hear heavenly choirs singing. She repents, then immediately returns to the side of right and virtue... .
[she steps on Bond's foot]
Fiona: ... but not this one!

[James Bond's first scene, winning a game of chemin-de-fer]
James: I admire your courage, Miss...?
Sylvia: Trench. Sylvia Trench. I admire your luck, Mr...?
James: Bond. James Bond.

James: I'm truly sorry to have to dash off like this, but, there's been a bit of a flap at the office.
Pat: What kind of work do you do, anyway?
James: Oh, I travel... a sort of - licensed troubleshooter.

James: Where did you take him on your boat?
Quarrel: [pointing out to sea] You see that, Captain. That there's the Caribbean. That's where. Fishing.

[after a narrow escape from a motorized traction table set on overload]
James: I must be six inches taller.

[on seeing Kerim Bey's office in shambles]
James: Well... who won?
Kerim: I had visitors. Limpet mine on the wall outside - timed to catch me at my desk. But by good fortune, I was relaxing on the settee for a few moments. The girl left in hysterics.
James: Found your technique too violent?

Domino: Vargas's behind you.
James: Really...
Domino: He must have followed us.
James: [shoots Vargas with a spear gun] I think he got the point.
Domino: It should have been Largo.

James: Now, listen, just do as I say, will you?
Tatiana: Yes, James.
[James slaps Tatiana on the fanny]
Tatiana: But, there are some English customs - zat are going to be changed.
James: But, of course, darling.
[hands Tatiana his tie, she puts it in her mouth, stretches it out, smiles, and playfully laughs]

James: That gun, it looks more fitting for a woman.
Emilio: You know much about guns, Mr. Bond?
James: No, but I know a little about women.
[Bond and Largo spot Domino eavesdropping]

James: How can a friend be in debt?

[Bond admires a huge aquarium. Dr. No enters]
Dr. No: One million dollars, Mr. Bond. You were wondering what it cost.
James: As a matter of fact, I was.

Pat: You wouldn't tell Doctor Wade? Please, I'd lose my job.
Bond: Well, I, I suppose my silence could have a price.
Pat: You don't mean - oh, no.
Bond: Oh, yes!

Bond: Have some of my conch chowder.
Domino: You've been reading the wrong books, Mr. Bond.
Bond: About conch chowder?
Domino: About being an aphrodisiac.
Bond: Well, it just so happens that I like conch chowder.
Domino: Oh!

James: With due respect, I played the war games for two weeks and only got killed once.
M: Twice. You've forgotten the land mine on the Black Sea beach.
James: Correction, sir. I lost both legs. I did not die.
M: [Unimpressed] You were *immobilized.*
James: It can never be the same playing with blanks. It is somewhat different in the field. With your life on the line... your adrenaline gives you an edge.
M: But is your edge sharp enough? That's the difference between a "Double-0" and a corpse.

Tatiana: [Bond first meets Tatiana, who has crawled naked into his hotel bed] You look surprised. I thought you were expecting me.
James: So, you're Tatiana Romanova.
Tatiana: My friends call me Tania.
James: Mine call me James Bond.

[Largo dies]
Domino: I'm glad I killed him.
James: *You're* glad?

[after tying up Benz with his own suit]
James: I'm not mad about his tailor, are you?

Dr. No: The Americans are fools. I offered my services; they refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.
James: World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Napoleon. Or God.

[after leaving an Irrigation Therapy Room]
Bond: See you later, irrigator.

Doctor: Miss Fearing tells me you're making fine progress. But, I must say, you're looking a bit peaked this morning.
James: I was up all night.
Doctor: Don't overdo it. A herbal enema should fix you up.

James: My dear, uncooperative Domino.
Domino: How do you know that? How do you know my friends call me Domino?
James: It's on the bracelet on your ankle.
Domino: So... what sharp little eyes you've got.
James: Wait 'til you get to my teeth.

Small: Nigel Small-Fawcett. British Embassy. Nassau.
James: How do you do, Nigel?
Small: Sorry I'm late. But, as you're one of these undercover johnnies, I took the precaution of not being followed.
James: And that's why you shouted my name across the harbor.
Small: Oh, God! Did I? Oh, I'm sorry. Damn! Damn! Sorry, I'm rather new to all this.

James: What's the score with Largo?
Small: Oh, he's highly visible in these parts. Enormously wealthy. Owns the biggest boat in the Caribbean...
James: You've met him?
Small: Yes. He's charming. I mean - foreign. But, charming, nonetheless.

James: She should have kept her mouth shut.

Felix: Felix Leiter, Central Intelligence Agency. You must be James Bond.
James: You mean we're fighting the same war?

James: Still here, Moneypenny? You should be in bed.
Miss: James, we *both* should be!

James: Red wine with fish. Well, that should have told me something.
Donald: You may know the right wines, but you're the one on your knees. How does it feel old man?

James: You're marvelously well equipped.
Fatima: Thank you, James. So are you.

Pat: Funny-looking bruise. A fall?
James: A poker, in the hands of a widow.
Pat: Really? I'd have thought you were just the type for a widow.
James: Not this one. He didn't like me at all.

Largo: [Bond has defeated Largo at 'Domination'] It seems like I underestimated you. $267,000.
James: I'll settle for one dance with Domino.
Largo: So. Do you lose as gracefully as you win?
James: I don't know, I've never lost.
Largo: This game has been played, and *I* have lost. That's it.

James: Don't worry. I'm not supposed to be here, either. Are you alone?
Honey: What are you doing here? Are you looking for shells?
James: No, I'm just looking.
Honey: Stay where you are.
James: I promise you, I won't steal your shells.
Honey: I promise you, you won't either.
[Bond moves closer. Honey pulls out her dagger]
Honey: Stay where you are!
James: I can assure you, my intentions are strictly honorable.

Q: Good to see you Mr. Bond. Things've been awfully dull 'round here. Bureaucrats running the whole place. Everything done by the book. Can't make a decision unless the computer gives you the go ahead. Now you're on this. I hope we're going to have some gratuitous sex and violence!
James: I certainly hope so too.

[Placing Fiona's body in a chair after she is shot on the dance floor]
James: Do you mind if my friend sits this one out? She's just dead.

James: [donning the underwater jet pack] ... and the kitchen sink.
Felix: On you, anything looks good.

James: Good evening, sir.
M: It happens to be 3 a.m. When do you sleep, 007?
James: Never on the firm's time, sir.

Fatima: Write! Now write this: "The greatest rapture in my life was afforded to me on a boat in Nassau by Fatima Blush." Sign: "James Bond, 007."
James: I just remembered. It's against Service policy for agents to give endorsements.
Fatima: *Write*!
James: Right now?
Fatima: Right - now.

James: Tell me Miss Trench, do you play any other games?

Miss: James! Where have you been? I've been searching all over London for you.
[picks up phone]
Miss: 007 is here, sir.
[slaps Bond's hand away from the papers on her desk]
James: Moneypenny! What gives?
Miss: Me, given an ounce of encouragement. You've never taken me to dinner looking like this. You've never taken me to dinner...
James: I would, you know, only "M" would have me court-martialed for... illegal use of government property.
Miss: Flattery will get you nowhere - but don't stop trying.

[to the shark that almost bit him]
James: You can tell of the one that got away.

Fatima: Hello, James. I'm Fatima Blush.
James: You ski very well.
Fatima: I do many things very well.

Dr. No: [to Bond] I was curious to see what kind of man you were. I thought there may be even a place for you with SPECTRE.
James: I'm flattered. I'd prefer the Revenge Department. Of course, my first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.

Largo: So, a drink?
James: Vodka martini.
Largo: Of course.

James: We're both humble servants of the Crown, Alge.
Q: If the CIA made me an offer, I'd be off like a shot! Unlimited resources. Air conditioning. Twenty-eight flavors of ice cream in the restaurant.

Tatiana: [trying on dresses] I will wear this one in Piccadilly.
James: You won't. They've just passed some new laws there.

Honey: How can you eat at a time like this?
James: I'm hungry. We don't know when we'll get the chance to eat again. Here, take this.
James: [whispering] Careful. The whole place is probably wired for sound.

James: [to Tatiana] Keep your head down.

Dr. No: I'm a member of SPECTRE.
Dr. No: SPECTRE - Special Executive for Counter Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power headed by the greatest brains in the world.
James: Correction - criminal brains.
Dr. No: The successful criminal brain is always superior. It has to be.

James: [in atypical self-effacement] Suppose when she meets me in the flesh I-I don't come up to expectations?
M: Just see that you do.

James: [Bond has overpowered Mr Jones on an isolated road] Now talk!
Jones: [Breathlessly] Alright! Let me have a cigarette.
Jones: [Bond gives him the packet of cigarettes. Jones starts gasping for air. Bond grabs him] To hell with you!

Tatiana: Horrible, horrible woman.
James: Yes, she had her kicks.

James: Now, hard or soft - massage?
Domino: Hard, please.

Miss: [Looking at a photograph] A smashing figure! I don't suppose that has anything to do with your request.
Bond: Was there ever a man more misunderstood.
Miss: Now, James, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. You may be able to con the old man, but, I know better.

[Last lines]
[Small-Fawcett is thrown into the pool by James Bond]
Small: I'm sorry Mr. Bond. I obviously caught you in a bad moment.
James: M sent you!
Small: Only to plead for your return, Sir. M says that without you in the service, he fears for the security of the civilized world.
James: Never again.
Domino: Never?
[they hug and Bond winks to the audience]

Quarrel: We don't get nothin' out of this gal. You want me to break her arm?
James: Another time.

Emilio: Pull!
[hits the clay pigeon]
Emilio: What could be easier?
Bond: Huh! Perhaps you'd call one for me.
Emilio: Of course. Pull!
Bond: Seems terribly difficult.
[hits the clay pigeon while shooting from the hip]
Bond: No, it isn't, is it?
Emilio: No...

James: I'm hungry. Let's go out and eat.
Miss: I'll make you a Chinese dinner here.
James: No. I'm feeling Italian and musical. Let's go to the Mountain Grill.
Miss: I'd rather stay here. It's more fun. Alone.
James: Yes. But, I don't want you getting dishpan hands.

Dr. No: That's a Dom Perignon '55. It would be a pity to break it.
James: I prefer the '53 myself...

Miss: What should I say to an invitation from a strange gentleman?
James: You should say yes.
Miss: [shaking her head] I should say maybe.
James: Three o'clock at my hotel? Maybe?
Miss: Yes. Maybe.

Q: Rather tasty this is. It looks like a watch, but, it's really a laser. It keeps perfect time.
James: But, for how long?
Q: At least your lifetime.

Donald: Is any of the opposition around?
James: Not in any condition to be worried about.

Emilio: Perhaps *you'd* like to take the shoe - my friend won't mind - Mister...
James: Bond.
Emilio: Ah yes! Mr. Bond. One of my associates talk about you.
James: Nothing bad, I hope.

[Bond pulls up to the front of Government House with a dead man sitting up in the backseat]
James: Sergeant, make sure he doesn't get away.

[Honey describes how she killed the man who had raped her]
Honey: I put a black widow spider underneath his mosquito net... a female, they're the worst. It took him a whole week to die.
[Bond looks shocked]
Honey: Did I do wrong?
James: Well, it wouldn't do to make a habit of it.

Honey: Have you any idea what they'll do with us?
James: No idea. No door handles or windows, either.
Honey: It's a prison, then.
James: Mink-lined with first-class service.

James: Sylvia, behave! We'll do this again some other time.
Sylvia: Do what? Last time you said that, you went off to Jamaica.
[Starts unbuttoning James' shirt]
Sylvia: I haven't seen you for six months!

James: [Calling room service at this Istanbul hotel] Hello. Breakfast for one at nine, please. Green figs. Yogurt. Coffee - very black. Thank you.

M: Too many free radicals. That's your problem.
James: "Free radicals," sir?
M: Yes. They're toxins that destroy the body and the brain, caused by eating too much red meat and white bread. Too many dry martinis!
James: Then I shall cut out the white bread, sir.
M: Oh, you'll do more than THAT, 007. From now on you will be suffering a strict regimen of diet and exercise; we shall PURGE those toxins from you!
James: Shrublands?
M: You got it!

Honey: I'm glad your hands are sweating too.
James: Of course, I'm scared too.

Dr. No: [about his aquarium] The glass is convex, 10 inches thick, which accounts for the magnifying effect.
James: Minnows pretending they're whales. Just like you on this island, Dr. No.
Dr. No: It depends, Mr. Bond, on which side of the glass you are.

Small: You're not going to make any trouble, are you Mr. Bond? Let's face it. Your reputation has proceeded you.
James: Do I look like the sort of man who would make trouble?
Small: Well, yes, frankly. And you're going to jeopardize the tourists trade if you start going around killing people.

Dr. No: A medium dry martini, lemon peel, shaken, not stirred.
James: Vodka?
Dr. No: Of course.

[When the two Gypsy girls are brought out to fight, Vavra addresses the tribe in the Romani Gypsy language]
Kerim: [translating] The women will fight until one of them is dead or surrenders. The winner will marry the man they both love, the loser will be cast out of the tribe, never to return. If both quit, the elders of the tribe will then decide who will marry the chief's son.
[speaking Romani, Vida lets out a long string of curses, glaring venomously at Zora]
Kerim: She's saying that...
James: Yes, I think I got it without the subtitles.

James: Both hands on the wheel, Mr. Jones, I'm a very nervous passenger.

Fiona: You look pale, Mr. Bond. I hope I didn't frighten you.
Bond: Well you see, I've always been a nervous passenger.
Fiona: Some men just don't like to be driven.
Bond: No, some men just don't like to be taken for a ride.

[Bond is standing in the doorway between their apartments as Fiona takes a bath]
Fiona: Aren't you in the wrong room, Mr. Bond?
Bond: Not from where I'm standing.

Domino: That feels *so* good.
James: It certainly does.
Domino: Excuse me?
James: It *certainly does* need it. You have slight lesions in the upper vertebrae.