The Best Ursula Andress Quotes

Honey: How can you eat at a time like this?
James: I'm hungry. We don't know when we'll get the chance to eat again. Here, take this.
James: [whispering] Careful. The whole place is probably wired for sound.

[explaining why she believes the legend about Crab Key's fire-breathing dragon]
Honey: How well do you know about animals? Did you ever see a mongoose dance? Or, a scorpion with sunstroke sting itself to death? Or, a praying mantis eat her husband after making love?
James: I hate to admit it, but, I haven't.
Honey: Well, I have.

Honey: I'm glad your hands are sweating too.
James: Of course, I'm scared too.

[Honey describes how she killed the man who had raped her]
Honey: I put a black widow spider underneath his mosquito net... a female, they're the worst. It took him a whole week to die.
[Bond looks shocked]
Honey: Did I do wrong?
James: Well, it wouldn't do to make a habit of it.

Honey: [to Bond] Do you have a woman of your own?

Honey: Have you any idea what they'll do with us?
James: No idea. No door handles or windows, either.
Honey: It's a prison, then.
James: Mink-lined with first-class service.

Honey: [singing] Underneath the mango tree, La-la-la-la-de, Come watch for the moon, La-la-la mango tree, Me honey and me make boolooloop, Underneath the mango tree, Make boolooloop soon, La-la-la-de-da-da, Me honey and me...
James: [singing] Underneath the mango tree, Ma honey and me...
Honey: Who's that?

James: What's your name?
Honey: Ryder.
James: Ryder what?
Honey: Honey Ryder.

James: There's no point in involving the girl at this stage. She has nothing to do with us. Let her go free. She'll promise not to talk.
Honey: No, I won't. I'm staying with you.
James: I don't want you here.
Dr. No: I agree. This is no place for the girl. Take her away.
Honey: No. No! Let go of me.
Dr. No: I'm sure the guards will amuse her.

James: Don't worry. I'm not supposed to be here, either. Are you alone?
Honey: What are you doing here? Are you looking for shells?
James: No, I'm just looking.
Honey: Stay where you are.
James: I promise you, I won't steal your shells.
Honey: I promise you, you won't either.
[Bond moves closer. Honey pulls out her dagger]
Honey: Stay where you are!
James: I can assure you, my intentions are strictly honorable.