The Best Miss Taro Quotes

James: I'm hungry. Let's go out and eat.
Miss: I'll make you a Chinese dinner here.
James: No. I'm feeling Italian and musical. Let's go to the Mountain Grill.
Miss: I'd rather stay here. It's more fun. Alone.
James: Yes. But, I don't want you getting dishpan hands.

Miss: [on the phone] Hello? Oh, Mr. Bond, I was thinking, why don't you collect me at my apartment. It's lovely up here in the mountains. Nice and cool. All right, you leave the Port Royal Road out of Kingston. Then, along the Winthrop Road, until you get to the cement factory. Then you turn left. Follow the road up the hill. Down the other side. And two miles further on, on the left, Magenta Drive 2 - 3. I'll be waiting for you.

James: You believe in living dangerously. I can see that.
Miss: What do you mean?
James: Sitting around with wet hair, you'll die of pneumonia.

Miss: [as Bond unzips her towel dress] What's going on behind my back?
James: Nothing. Look, no hands!
[they kiss passionately]

Miss: What should I say to an invitation from a strange gentleman?
James: You should say yes.
Miss: [shaking her head] I should say maybe.
James: Three o'clock at my hotel? Maybe?
Miss: Yes. Maybe.