The Best Largo Quotes

Emilio: For you? Of course. Vargas does not drink, does not smoke, does not make love. What do you *do*, Vargas?

Emilio: I collect big game fish for various marine institutions. Magnificent creatures.
Bond: Mm, charming.
Emilio: The notorious Golden Grotto Sharks. The most savage. The most dangerous.
Bond: Mm!
Emilio: They know when it's time for them to be fed.

Emilio: *Every* man has his passion. Mine is fishing. What is yours, Mr. Bond?
Bond: Well, I'm not what you'd call a passionate man.
[eyes Domino]
Domino: [chuckles] I think it's time I went to change.
Emilio: You must let me show you around.
Bond: Oh, I'd love that!
Emilio: I *thought* you might.

Emilio: Someone has to lose.
Bond: Yes, I thought I saw a specter at your shoulder.
Emilio: What do you mean?
Bond: The specter of defeat. That your luck was due to change.
Emilio: We'll soon find out.

Emilio: Perhaps *you'd* like to take the shoe - my friend won't mind - Mister...
James: Bond.
Emilio: Ah yes! Mr. Bond. One of my associates talk about you.
James: Nothing bad, I hope.

Emilio: [lighting a cigar] You've given me much pleasure, Domino. But in return, unless you tell me how much Bond knows, I'll be forced to cause you great pain.
[picks up a handful of ice cubes]
Emilio: This for heat, these for cold. Applied scientifically and slowly. Very, very slowly.

Emilio: Stop it! Stop it! You fools! He's got you all shooting at each other!

James: That gun, it looks more fitting for a woman.
Emilio: You know much about guns, Mr. Bond?
James: No, but I know a little about women.
[Bond and Largo spot Domino eavesdropping]

Emilio: You wish to put the evil eye on me, eh? We have a way to deal with that where I come from.
James: You may hex me. Let's see what it does for the cards.

Emilio: Like your friend you've been a little too clever, and now you are caught!

Emilio: Pull!
[hits the clay pigeon]
Emilio: What could be easier?
Bond: Huh! Perhaps you'd call one for me.
Emilio: Of course. Pull!
Bond: Seems terribly difficult.
[hits the clay pigeon while shooting from the hip]
Bond: No, it isn't, is it?
Emilio: No...