The Best Domino Quotes

Bond: Have some of my conch chowder.
Domino: You've been reading the wrong books, Mr. Bond.
Bond: About conch chowder?
Domino: About being an aphrodisiac.
Bond: Well, it just so happens that I like conch chowder.
Domino: Oh!

Emilio: *Every* man has his passion. Mine is fishing. What is yours, Mr. Bond?
Bond: Well, I'm not what you'd call a passionate man.
[eyes Domino]
Domino: [chuckles] I think it's time I went to change.
Emilio: You must let me show you around.
Bond: Oh, I'd love that!
Emilio: I *thought* you might.

[Largo dies]
Domino: I'm glad I killed him.
James: *You're* glad?

Domino: Vargas's behind you.
James: Really...
Domino: He must have followed us.
James: [shoots Vargas with a spear gun] I think he got the point.
Domino: It should have been Largo.

Domino: He's a wonderful person. The trouble is, I never meet anyone like him.
Bond: Only men like Largo and myself.
Domino: You are not like Largo.
Bond: Why do you say that?
Domino: The way you - hold me.

Domino: Thank you, Mister...?
Bond: James Bond. I arrived soon after you went down. I've been admiring your form.
Domino: Have you, now? You're name's James Bond and you've been admiring my form?
Bond: Mm, most girls just paddle around. You swim like a man.
Domino: So do you.
Bond: Well, I've had quite a bit of practice. Do you come here often?
Domino: Whenever I am bored. Practically every day.
Bond: Mm hmm.

Bond: I understand you're Mr. Largo's niece?
Domino: Sounds better than - what would you say? Mistress? Kept woman?

James: My dear, uncooperative Domino.
Domino: How do you know that? How do you know my friends call me Domino?
James: It's on the bracelet on your ankle.
Domino: So... what sharp little eyes you've got.
James: Wait 'til you get to my teeth.