The Best Moneypenny Quotes

Miss: Uh uh. In the conference room. Something pretty big. Every double-oh man in Europe's been rushed in. *And* the Home Secretary, too.
James: Somebody's probably lost a dog.

Miss: [Looking at a photograph] A smashing figure! I don't suppose that has anything to do with your request.
Bond: Was there ever a man more misunderstood.
Miss: Now, James, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. You may be able to con the old man, but, I know better.

Miss: James, how else will you recognize her?
James: Can't miss. She has two moles on her left thigh.

Miss: [Talking on the phone] A red square with a spike through it?
Bond: Yes, I think it's a tong sign: the Red Dragon from Macao. Ask Records to verify it, will you?
Miss: Uh, sorry, sweetie. You're off duty. File it till you get back.
Bond: Moneypenny, next time I see you, I'll put you across my knee.
Miss: On yogurt and lemon juice? Ah-ha-ha. I can hardly wait!