Top 50 Quotes From Never Say Never Again

Q: Wait a minute, I've got something in here that could be useful. The prototype came from a KGB defector. A bit of a whiz kid in their technical section. Not a bad chap. Though I thought a bit is prone to melancholy. I suppose it's all that vodka and English weather.

Q: Good to see you Mr. Bond. Things've been awfully dull 'round here. Bureaucrats running the whole place. Everything done by the book. Can't make a decision unless the computer gives you the go ahead. Now you're on this. I hope we're going to have some gratuitous sex and violence!
James: I certainly hope so too.

James: With due respect, I played the war games for two weeks and only got killed once.
M: Twice. You've forgotten the land mine on the Black Sea beach.
James: Correction, sir. I lost both legs. I did not die.
M: [Unimpressed] You were *immobilized.*
James: It can never be the same playing with blanks. It is somewhat different in the field. With your life on the line... your adrenaline gives you an edge.
M: But is your edge sharp enough? That's the difference between a "Double-0" and a corpse.

James: You appear tense.
Fatima: You affect me, James.
James: Well, that's bad. Going down, one should always be relaxed.

[Last lines]
[Small-Fawcett is thrown into the pool by James Bond]
Small: I'm sorry Mr. Bond. I obviously caught you in a bad moment.
James: M sent you!
Small: Only to plead for your return, Sir. M says that without you in the service, he fears for the security of the civilized world.
James: Never again.
Domino: Never?
[they hug and Bond winks to the audience]

Largo: Tears of Allah. The story is that the prophet wept for the barrenness of the desert and his tears made a well. It's a legend, of course. But, like all great legends, it is also the truth.

Miss: Have you got an assignment, James?
James: Yes, Moneypenny. I'm to eliminate all free radicals.
Miss: Ooh. Do be careful.

Small: You're not going to make any trouble, are you Mr. Bond? Let's face it. Your reputation has proceeded you.
James: Do I look like the sort of man who would make trouble?
Small: Well, yes, frankly. And you're going to jeopardize the tourists trade if you start going around killing people.

Domino: That feels *so* good.
James: It certainly does.
Domino: Excuse me?
James: It *certainly does* need it. You have slight lesions in the upper vertebrae.

James: What exactly are we going down for?
Fatima: Sport - and a little fun.

James: My name is Bond.
Patricia: Oh, you're Mr. Bond. I believe I'm having you in half an hour.
James: Oh, splendid. Your room or mine?

James: I won't need one of these where I'm going.
Q: Where's that or - are you not allowed to say?
James: The Bahamas.
Q: Oh, lucky, bloody you!

M: I send you to a health farm to get yourself in shape! Instead you DEMOLISH it! Now I've had to notify the local police, get a minister to muzzle the press, and allocate a sizable chunk of my meager budget to renovating the establishment!
James: A man DID try to kill me, sir.
M: Oh! Caught you seducing his wife, did he?
James: No, sir, not at all. But, in fact, I did lose 4 lbs and God knows how many free radicals.
M: [slams the table] That is the KIND of attitude that tempts me to suspend you, 007!

Fatima: Spread your legs. Good. Very good! You're quite a man, Mr. James Bond, but I am a superior woman. Guess where you get the first one?
[Fatima lowers the gun towards James' crotch]

James: Vodka on the rocks, please.

James: Is it conceivable that he could have used a false eye?
M: Oh, do come along, Bond! Let's think of a more logical explanation, shall we?

Largo: [Bond has defeated Largo at 'Domination'] It seems like I underestimated you. $267,000.
James: I'll settle for one dance with Domino.
Largo: So. Do you lose as gracefully as you win?
James: I don't know, I've never lost.
Largo: This game has been played, and *I* have lost. That's it.

Q: Rather tasty this is. It looks like a watch, but, it's really a laser. It keeps perfect time.
James: But, for how long?
Q: At least your lifetime.

Fatima: Hello, James. I'm Fatima Blush.
James: You ski very well.
Fatima: I do many things very well.

Nurse: Mr. Bond, I need a urine sample. If you could fill this beaker for me?
James: From here?

James: What's the score with Largo?
Small: Oh, he's highly visible in these parts. Enormously wealthy. Owns the biggest boat in the Caribbean...
James: You've met him?
Small: Yes. He's charming. I mean - foreign. But, charming, nonetheless.

Largo: So, a drink?
James: Vodka martini.
Largo: Of course.

Blofeld: Now, for the future. SPECTRE's most audacious enterprise of any; next to which our previous ventures are inconsequential. Our esteemed Number One is in complete charge of the entire operation, which will henceforth be called: The Tears of Allah.

M: Too many free radicals. That's your problem.
James: "Free radicals," sir?
M: Yes. They're toxins that destroy the body and the brain, caused by eating too much red meat and white bread. Too many dry martinis!
James: Then I shall cut out the white bread, sir.
M: Oh, you'll do more than THAT, 007. From now on you will be suffering a strict regimen of diet and exercise; we shall PURGE those toxins from you!
James: Shrublands?
M: You got it!

James: Commander Pederson, are you equipped with the new XT-7B's?
Captain: That's Top Secret! How do you know about them?
James: From a Russian translation of one of your service manuals. Sorry, old boy.

Largo: Are you a man who enjoys games?
James: Depends with whom I'm playing.

James: Now, hard or soft - massage?
Domino: Hard, please.

Doctor: Miss Fearing tells me you're making fine progress. But, I must say, you're looking a bit peaked this morning.
James: I was up all night.
Doctor: Don't overdo it. A herbal enema should fix you up.

James: What's the Americans' story on how the damn things were stolen?

James: [In the lab, curious about yet another one of Q's interesting little spy gadgets] What is this for?
Q: I'll show you. You unscrew it... then stick it up your nose.
Q: [as he sticks the inhaler up his nose and sniffs] For my sinus.

Blofeld: We have invested heavily in the Middle East and Central America to promote insurgency and revolution. Fortunately, our capital outlay has been handsomely offset by the result and sale of armaments and missiles. You will note, that we have supplied both to rebels and government forces, on an equal basis. In matters of death, SPECTRE is strictly impartial.

Female: Mr. President, please stand by while authority for this procedure is confirmed by eye print check. If confirmation is not authenticated within 8 seconds, the base will be sealed. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Thank you. Presidential authority is confirmed for change of test procedure. Dummy warheads will be replaced by a W-80 thermonuclear device. Have a nice day.

James: Still here, Moneypenny? You should be in bed.
Miss: James, we *both* should be!

Fatima: Now darling must do his little trickie in eight seconds. Then nursie will give baby his candy.

Leiter: It's gonna be your ass, James.
James: Thank you.

Fatima: You know that making love to Fatima was the greatest pleasure of your life.
James: Well, to be perfectly honest, there was this girl in Philadelphia...
Fatima: SHUT UP!
Fatima: *I* am the best.
James: Yes. Yes, you're right. In fact, i was going to put you in my memoirs as "Number One".
Fatima: Right.

James: You're marvelously well equipped.
Fatima: Thank you, James. So are you.

James: Hello, again. I do owe you an explanation. My name is Bond, James Bond. May I offer you a drink?

James: Is it far to the reef?
Fatima: It's far enough. We've got time to kill.

Fatima: Jack must do as he's told to keep his FAST CARS and his PRETTY CLOTHES. And if he wants to keep his sister alive...
Jack: You leave Domino out of this or I'll...
[He attacks Fatima but she quickly beats him up]

Blofeld: I am Supreme Commander of SPECTRE, the Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. Yesterday morning, the American Air Force launched 2 cruise missiles from Swadley Air Base in Great Britain. Through the ingenuity of SPECTRE, the dummy warheads they carried were replaced with *live*, *nuclear* warheads. Your weapons of destruction are now safely in our possession and will be moved to two secret targets. Please note the serial numbers of the missiles; they will confirm the truth. Your weapons of deterrence did not deter us from our objective! A terrible catastrophe now confronts you. However, it can be avoided by paying a tribute to our organization, amounting to twenty-five percent of your respective countries' annual oil purchases. We have accomplished two of the functions that the name SPECTRE embodies: terror and extortion. If our demands are not met within seven days, we shall ruthlessly apply the third: revenge!

[Fatima Blush lands in James Bond's arms when she water-skis up the ramp to the bar]
Fatima: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
James: Yes, but my martini is still dry. My name is James.

James: We're both humble servants of the Crown, Alge.
Q: If the CIA made me an offer, I'd be off like a shot! Unlimited resources. Air conditioning. Twenty-eight flavors of ice cream in the restaurant.

Receptionist: Bon jour, Monsieur.
James: Do you serve men here?
Receptionist: But, of course. Some men more than others.

Fatima: Write! Now write this: "The greatest rapture in my life was afforded to me on a boat in Nassau by Fatima Blush." Sign: "James Bond, 007."
James: I just remembered. It's against Service policy for agents to give endorsements.
Fatima: *Write*!
James: Right now?
Fatima: Right - now.

James: C'est la vie.
Domino: C'est la vie?
James: Such is life.
Domino: Such is life.

Domino: [after Largo forces her to break the statue] You're crazy!
Largo: Crazy? Yeah... maybe. I'm crazy.

Small: Nigel Small-Fawcett. British Embassy. Nassau.
James: How do you do, Nigel?
Small: Sorry I'm late. But, as you're one of these undercover johnnies, I took the precaution of not being followed.
James: And that's why you shouted my name across the harbor.
Small: Oh, God! Did I? Oh, I'm sorry. Damn! Damn! Sorry, I'm rather new to all this.

Patricia: Lentil delight, dandelion salad, goat's cheese.
James: Beluga caviar, quails eggs, vodka, foie gras - Strasbourg.

Domino: Oh! Could you go a little lower, please.
James: Lower?
Domino: Yes, please. Yes. Oh, right there. Oh, it feels *so* good!