The Best 'Q' Algy Quotes

Q: Rather tasty this is. It looks like a watch, but, it's really a laser. It keeps perfect time.
James: But, for how long?
Q: At least your lifetime.

James: I won't need one of these where I'm going.
Q: Where's that or - are you not allowed to say?
James: The Bahamas.
Q: Oh, lucky, bloody you!

James: [In the lab, curious about yet another one of Q's interesting little spy gadgets] What is this for?
Q: I'll show you. You unscrew it... then stick it up your nose.
Q: [as he sticks the inhaler up his nose and sniffs] For my sinus.

James: We're both humble servants of the Crown, Alge.
Q: If the CIA made me an offer, I'd be off like a shot! Unlimited resources. Air conditioning. Twenty-eight flavors of ice cream in the restaurant.

Q: Good to see you Mr. Bond. Things've been awfully dull 'round here. Bureaucrats running the whole place. Everything done by the book. Can't make a decision unless the computer gives you the go ahead. Now you're on this. I hope we're going to have some gratuitous sex and violence!
James: I certainly hope so too.

Q: Wait a minute, I've got something in here that could be useful. The prototype came from a KGB defector. A bit of a whiz kid in their technical section. Not a bad chap. Though I thought a bit is prone to melancholy. I suppose it's all that vodka and English weather.