The Best Blofeld Quotes

Blofeld: I am Supreme Commander of SPECTRE, the Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. Yesterday morning, the American Air Force launched 2 cruise missiles from Swadley Air Base in Great Britain. Through the ingenuity of SPECTRE, the dummy warheads they carried were replaced with *live*, *nuclear* warheads. Your weapons of destruction are now safely in our possession and will be moved to two secret targets. Please note the serial numbers of the missiles; they will confirm the truth. Your weapons of deterrence did not deter us from our objective! A terrible catastrophe now confronts you. However, it can be avoided by paying a tribute to our organization, amounting to twenty-five percent of your respective countries' annual oil purchases. We have accomplished two of the functions that the name SPECTRE embodies: terror and extortion. If our demands are not met within seven days, we shall ruthlessly apply the third: revenge!

Blofeld: We have invested heavily in the Middle East and Central America to promote insurgency and revolution. Fortunately, our capital outlay has been handsomely offset by the result and sale of armaments and missiles. You will note, that we have supplied both to rebels and government forces, on an equal basis. In matters of death, SPECTRE is strictly impartial.

Blofeld: Now, for the future. SPECTRE's most audacious enterprise of any; next to which our previous ventures are inconsequential. Our esteemed Number One is in complete charge of the entire operation, which will henceforth be called: The Tears of Allah.