The Best Pamela Salem Quotes

Rachel: Doctor, we've had a report of a radar contact.
The: A re-entry curvital orb?
Rachel: Yes.
The: That'll be the Imperial Dalek shuttlecraft.
Gilmore: What! They're not landing a spaceship here?
The: Here? No. They're much too far from the main action.
[a rocket-like rumble is heard outside]
Gilmore: You're sure?
Ace: [at the window] Whoa!
The: Ace, get away form the window!
[a Dalek shuttlecraft approaches the school courtyard]
The: DOWN!
[Everyone takes cover while a Dalek Imperial shuttle lands outside the school, shattering glass in the windows]
The: I think I might have miscalculated.

Miss: Have you got an assignment, James?
James: Yes, Moneypenny. I'm to eliminate all free radicals.
Miss: Ooh. Do be careful.

James: Still here, Moneypenny? You should be in bed.
Miss: James, we *both* should be!

Gilmore: You were hired as a chief scientific advisor. One tends to expect advice from one's advisors.
Rachel: For one thing, Group Captain, I was not hired - I was drafted. And for another, do you think I'm enjoying having some space vagrant come along and tell me that the painstaking research I devoted my life to has been superseded by a bunch of tin-plated pepper pots?

[last lines]
Doctor: Xoanon? Xoanon?
Xoanon: [male voice] I grow tired. I will think you no longer.
Doctor: No, no, wait, wait, Xoanon. I'm the Doctor. I'm separate, I'm real. You *must* acknowledge me.
Xoanon: [the Doctor's voice] I will not think you.
Xoanon: We are Xoanon.
Doctor: And I am the Doctor.
Xoanon: [the Doctor's voice] No.
Doctor: I am the Doctor!
Xoanon: [female voice] No!
Doctor: I am the Doctor!
Xoanon,48989: [the Doctor's and male voice] No!
Xoanon,48989: [female, Doctor, male in rapid succession] No. No. No.
Xoanon: [projecting his Doctor-face on the walls and shouting with the Doctor's voice] No! *No*! *NO*!
[the Doctor slowly collapses to the floor from the onslaught of Xoanon's will, covering his ears]
Xoanon: [with a child's voice emerging, growing louder] Who am *I*? Who am *I*?
Xoanon: [close on Xoanon's Doctor-face saying, with child's voice, near deafening] Who am *I*?