The Best Xoanon Quotes

[last lines]
Doctor: Xoanon? Xoanon?
Xoanon: [male voice] I grow tired. I will think you no longer.
Doctor: No, no, wait, wait, Xoanon. I'm the Doctor. I'm separate, I'm real. You *must* acknowledge me.
Xoanon: [the Doctor's voice] I will not think you.
Xoanon: We are Xoanon.
Doctor: And I am the Doctor.
Xoanon: [the Doctor's voice] No.
Doctor: I am the Doctor!
Xoanon: [female voice] No!
Doctor: I am the Doctor!
Xoanon,48989: [the Doctor's and male voice] No!
Xoanon,48989: [female, Doctor, male in rapid succession] No. No. No.
Xoanon: [projecting his Doctor-face on the walls and shouting with the Doctor's voice] No! *No*! *NO*!
[the Doctor slowly collapses to the floor from the onslaught of Xoanon's will, covering his ears]
Xoanon: [with a child's voice emerging, growing louder] Who am *I*? Who am *I*?
Xoanon: [close on Xoanon's Doctor-face saying, with child's voice, near deafening] Who am *I*?