The Best Klaus Maria Brandauer Quotes

Largo: So, a drink?
James: Vodka martini.
Largo: Of course.

Largo: Are you a man who enjoys games?
James: Depends with whom I'm playing.

Domino: [after Largo forces her to break the statue] You're crazy!
Largo: Crazy? Yeah... maybe. I'm crazy.

Largo: Tears of Allah. The story is that the prophet wept for the barrenness of the desert and his tears made a well. It's a legend, of course. But, like all great legends, it is also the truth.

Largo: [Bond has defeated Largo at 'Domination'] It seems like I underestimated you. $267,000.
James: I'll settle for one dance with Domino.
Largo: So. Do you lose as gracefully as you win?
James: I don't know, I've never lost.
Largo: This game has been played, and *I* have lost. That's it.