The Best Tatiana Quotes

James: I hope you're not... disappointed.
Tatiana: I will tell you... in the morning.

Tatiana: Horrible, horrible woman.
James: Yes, she had her kicks.

James: Now, listen, just do as I say, will you?
Tatiana: Yes, James.
[James slaps Tatiana on the fanny]
Tatiana: But, there are some English customs - zat are going to be changed.
James: But, of course, darling.
[hands Tatiana his tie, she puts it in her mouth, stretches it out, smiles, and playfully laughs]

Tatiana: [trying on dresses] I will wear this one in Piccadilly.
James: You won't. They've just passed some new laws there.

Rosa: Take off your jacket. Turn around. Hmm. You're a fine looking girl. Sit down. I see you trained for the ballet?
Tatiana: But, I grew an inch over the regulation height. And, so...
Rosa: And then you have had - three lovers?
Tatiana: What is the purpose of such an intimate question?
Rosa: You're *not* here to ask questions! You forget to whom you're speaking!

Tatiana: [Bond first meets Tatiana, who has crawled naked into his hotel bed] You look surprised. I thought you were expecting me.
James: So, you're Tatiana Romanova.
Tatiana: My friends call me Tania.
James: Mine call me James Bond.

James: You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.
Tatiana: Thank you, but I think my mouth is too big.
James: No, it's the right size... for me, that is.

[in Rose Klebb's Istanbul office]
Rosa: Corporal, I have selected you for a most important assignment. It's purpose is to give false information to the enemy. If you complete it successfully, you will be promoted.
[referring to a picture of James Bond]
Rosa: From now on, you will do anything he says.
Tatiana: And if I refuse?
Rosa: [icily] Then you will not leave this room alive.
Tatiana: [Thinks for a moment] I will obey your orders.
Rosa: Good. Now, these are your instructions. You'll report to me here. But the Consulate Security Man must not know that I am in Istanbul. This is classified *far* above his level.
Tatiana: I will say nothing to anyone.
Rosa: If you do you will be *shot*!
[slams her cane hard against Tatiana's chair]
Rosa: [flirtatiously] Come, come, my dear.
[Starts rubbing her shoulders]
Rosa: You're very fortunate to have been chosen for such a simple, delightful duty. A real labor of love, as they say.

[last lines]
Tatiana: [removes ring and hands it to Bond] Here you are. In case you ever need it again.
James: Oh, yes. All government property has to be accounted for. But as I said before, we won't always be working on the company's time. Will we?
Tatiana: No
[Tatiana kisses Bond passionately]
Tatiana: James, behave yourself. We are being filmed.
James: Oh, not again.
[Bond pulls a film reel from his pocket and unwinds it]
James: He was right, you know.
Tatiana: What is it?
James: I'll show you.
[Bond kisses Tatiana and throws the film away]

[Moneypenny, M, and other officials are listening to Bond's taped interview of Tatiana Romanova]
Tatiana: There are 24 symbols, 16 code keys. It is inserted in a slot and de message comes out in a peppa roll from a nozzle slot on ze other side. The mechanism is... Oh James, James... Will you make love to me all the time in England?
James: Day and night. Go on about the mechanism.