The Best Walter Gotell Quotes

General: You will come back to us, comrade. No one ever *leaves* the KGB.

Mr. Hertz: You play games with me. Rechek... He liked games. Only thing is. He lost.
Lokai: Well that's the difference between Carl and me. You see... I never lose.

Morzeny: This Grant is one of the best men we've ever had. A homicidal paranoid. Superb material.

[first lines]
Morzeny: [after Grant kills a look-a-like Bond] Exactly one minute, fifty-two seconds. That's excellent.

Rosa: Training is useful, but there is no substitute for experience.
Morzeny: I agree: we use live targets as well.

Mr. Hertz: Heard you asking for me at lunch.
Lokai: No, not me. I was looking for a big sweaty dumb-fuck with a bald head.

Kurt: Picard, I must... point out again that we were assured, not once but many times, by the best scientific minds in the Federation, that this planet has no life. No life! And we were not looking. And therefore we did not see.

General: [Bond has just received the Order of Lenin from General Gogol] The order of Lenin, for Comrade Bond. The first time ever awarded to a non-Soviet citizen.
M: I'd thought the KGB would have celebrated if Silicon Valley had been destroyed.
General: On the contrary, Admiral, where would Russian research be without it?

Kurt: [about terraforming] You see grand romantic concepts. I see unyielding rock under an ocean of sand.

Kurt: I wanted to create a place where living things could thrive. And all the while, I was about to destroy the life that is there.

Captain: You're a man obsessed with what you do. Who knows what an obsessed man will do to keep going. Kill, perhaps?
Kurt: [suppressed voice] I create life... I don't take it!