The Best Kronsteen Quotes

Blofeld: Three men were found dead on the Orient Express train at Trieste. One of them was Grant. What have you got to say about that Number Five?
Kronsteen: It was Klebb's choice. Her people failed.
Rosa: It was your plan they followed implicitly.
Kronsteen: Impossible. It was perfect.
Rosa: Except for one thing, they were dealing with Bond.
Kronsteen: Who is Bond compared with Kronsteen?

Rosa: I hope Kronsteen's efforts as Director of Planning will continue to be as successful as his chess.
Kronsteen: They will be.

Kronsteen: SPECTRE would probably have the chance of a personal revenge for the killing of our operative - Dr. No - because the man the British will almost certainly use on a mission of this sort would be - their agent - James Bond.
Blofeld: Let his death be a particularly unpleasant and humiliating one.