The Best Josh Graham Quotes

Francis: Drop it. Do it now gumshoe. Your son is about to change. Then your wife. You can watch, then I'll take care of you.
[Will drops knife]
Will: [looks to Josh but is actually directing his mockery at Francis] Look at you! I have never seen a child as disgusting as you! You pissed your pants? How dare you!
[Francis is visibly insulted]
Will: You want me to cut it off? Is that what you want me to do, you little freak? Don't cry at me you little faggot. Apologize! Say "I'm sorry daddy, I'm a dirty little beast, I'm a freak!... " Say it!
[Francis starts shaking in outrage]
Josh: No.
Will: Say it!
Josh: No, daddy.
Will: Say it or I will cut it off! "... I'm a dirty little beast, freak, hare lip, and no one will ever love me!"
[deeply offended Francis throws Josh to one side, as he goes for Will]