Top 20 Quotes From Will Graham

Jack: If that painting meant so much to him, why destroy it? And why didn't he kill those two women at the museum? They both got a good look at him.
Will: Maybe he's trying to stop.

Will: He's not going to stop.
Woman Detective: Why not?
Will: Because it makes him God. Would *you* give that up?

Hannibal: What were the yards like?
Will: Big backyards. Fenced, some hedges. Why?
Hannibal: Because if this pilgrim feels a special relationship with the moon, he might like to go outside and look at it. You even seen blood in the moonlight, Will? It appears quite black. If one were nude, say, it would be better to have outdoor privacy for that sort of thing.

Hannibal: That's the same atrocious aftershave you wore in court.
Will: I keep getting it for Christmas.
Hannibal: Christmas, yes. Did you get my card?

Will: I thought you might enjoy the challenge. Find out if you're smarter than the person I'm looking for.
Hannibal: Then, by implication, you think you're smarter than I am, since it was you who caught me.
Will: No, I know I'm not smarter than you.
Hannibal: Then how did you catch me?
Will: You had... disadvantages.
Hannibal: What disadvantages?
Will: You're insane.

Will: What is taking him so long?
Molly: Are you kidding? It takes him 20 minutes to get out of bed in the morning.
Will: Yeah, but now I have a serious marshmallow jones.

Byron: Son, just tell me you're going to nail that son of a bitch.
Will: We're doing our best.

Will: [consoling Reba] You didn't draw a freak, you drew a man with a freak on his back.

Will: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.
Jack: Publication.

Will: I might not have time.
Hannibal: I do. I have oodles.

Will: [mocking Hannibal] Your cell looks bigger with no books in it.

Will: I need your opinion now.
Hannibal: Then here's one... you stink of fear under that cheap lotion. You stink of fear Will, but you're not a coward. You fear me, but still you came here. You fear this shy boy, yet still you seek him out. Don't you understand, Will? You caught me because we're very much alike. Without our imaginations, we'd be like all those other poor... dullards. Fear... is the price of our instrument. But I can help you bear it.

Will: This guy's very strong. He's possibly a bodybuilder. He might have some kind of facial disfigurement. He drives a van or a panel truck.
Mr. Fisk: [to the secretary] Sounds like Mr. D.
Chromalux: Oh, my God.
Jack: Who's Mr. D?
Mr. Fisk: [to Jack] It's Francis Dolarhyde. He's our manager and technical supervisor.

Jack: [after Will's visit to Lecter] What do you suppose he meant by "see them living"?
Will: I don't know. I don't know, maybe nothing. It's hard to separate his bullshit.

Will: We've been on the wrong track this whole time, Doctor, you and I. Our whole profile's wrong. Well, we've been looking for someone with a crazy grudge and some kind of anatomical knowledge. Decertified doctors, med school dropouts, laid-off mortuary workers...
Hannibal: From the precision of the cuts, yes, and, uh, his choice of souvenirs.
Will: See, that's where we're off target. He's not collecting body parts.
Hannibal: Then why keep them?
Will: He's not keeping them. He's eating them.

Will: [to Reba] You Didn't Attract A Freak... You Attracted A *Man*... With A *Freak* On His Back There's nothing wrong with you... except your hair. Your hair is a train wreck.

Jack: How much do you know?
Will: Just what was in the Miami Herald and the Times. Two families killed a month apart in their homes, Birmingham and Atlanta. Circumstances were similar.
Jack: Not similar, the same.
Will: What have you kept out of the papers?
Jack: He smashes mirrors and uses the pieces. Wears latex gloves, so we've got no prints. Size 11 shoe. He's not too comfortable with locks. Pried open a patio door in Birmingham, used a glass cutter in Atlanta. Oh, and his blood's AB positive.
Will: Somebody hurt him?
Jack: Nope. We typed him from semen and saliva. He's a secretor.

Lloyd: What about sweating Lecter?
Will: We tried sodium amytal on him three years ago to find where he buried a Princeton student; he gave them a recipe for dip.

[Chilton is explaining the difficulty he's had with Lecter]
Dr. Frederick Chilton: So, you can imagine the stir your little visit is causing among my staff. If you'd care to share some insights...?
Will: Dr. Chilton, I'm sorry. I've got a 4:17 flight back to Atlanta.
Dr. Frederick Chilton: [irritated] Of course.

Francis: Drop it. Do it now gumshoe. Your son is about to change. Then your wife. You can watch, then I'll take care of you.
[Will drops knife]
Will: [looks to Josh but is actually directing his mockery at Francis] Look at you! I have never seen a child as disgusting as you! You pissed your pants? How dare you!
[Francis is visibly insulted]
Will: You want me to cut it off? Is that what you want me to do, you little freak? Don't cry at me you little faggot. Apologize! Say "I'm sorry daddy, I'm a dirty little beast, I'm a freak!... " Say it!
[Francis starts shaking in outrage]
Josh: No.
Will: Say it!
Josh: No, daddy.
Will: Say it or I will cut it off! "... I'm a dirty little beast, freak, hare lip, and no one will ever love me!"
[deeply offended Francis throws Josh to one side, as he goes for Will]