Top 20 Quotes From Kat Miller

Kat: Get me home before I PUKE all over your car.

Natalie: Like I said, I don't have a mother. She jumped ship way back.
Will: We found her this morning, at the bottom of fairmount lake.
Kat: She's been shot, Natalie.

Nick: I would NEVER call a woman a ho. All I'm saying is, sometimes women say no, but they really mean 'maybe'... what's a guy to do? Just walk off at the first no? The human race would go extinct.
Kat: [disgusted] No means NO! How many ways you need that spelled out?
Nick: The name of the game is pursuit. You run, I chase!
Kat: You ain't chasin' me anywhere.

Kat: [about Spencer] How do you find a guy that changes his name more often than his underwear.

Nick: [the detectives are eating Chinese food on their lunch break] You're reachin', Lil.
[Vera grabs a box of food from the nearby desk]
Kat: [angrily] And you're reachin' for MY Kung Pow chicken!
Nick: [With a mouthful of food] ... It's family style, so what?
Kat: Well do I LOOK like your family?
[snatches back her box of food before Vera can get another bite]

Lilly: Lillian said Emma was wearing a ring that night. A gold swan with a diamond eye. But it was missing from the body.
Scotty: A lot of people could have taken it. Hotel staff that found the body, paramedics
Lilly: They put out feelers to pawnshops at the time, seeing if someone tried to move it. Came up empty.
Kat: Maybe they waited until the heat died down? I'll check sale records.

Eddie: You got me, guilty as charged... if you call love a crime.
Kat: Love?
Eddie: Anyone could see that girl was a bud about to bloom! All she needed was a double dose of Eddie.
Kat: [makes a disgusted face] I might just hit you on principle!
Eddie: Whoa... I always seem to have that effect on women... the other side of desire. And that young girl was burstin' with it.
[Miller makes another appalled face]

Kat: It's a purity ring. Carrie's ring.
Lilly: Purity ring? Like?
Kat: Like, "until I'm married, this finger belongs to God. And so does my virginity." Veronica's babysitter has one. Couldn't stop her from getting *busy* on my couch though.

Lilly: Our coldest job yet.
Nick: A record breaker.
Kat: So... What are we waiting for?
Lilly: Let's break out the ice picks.

Lilly: Her best friend was Celeste Church.
Kat: If anyone knew who Rainey was partying with that night, homegirl would.

Scotty: What do you got, a dead bride?
Lilly: Debutante. Emma Elizabeth Vine.
Kat: Found at the base of a flight of stairs at the Edgecomb hotel, December, '68.
Scotty: Spinal fracture, cracked skull. That's a bad fall.
Lilly: Or a good shove.
Kat: Cops couldn't get traction on the case.No one would talk.
Scotty: A white glove conspiracy?
Lilly: Society people didn't want a scandal on their hands.Closed ranks.

Kat: [about the police department's softball team] Sounds good. Sign me up.
Nick: Can you catch?
Kat: Hell, yeah! I can catch.
Nick: Do you throw like a girl?
Kat: Do you dance like a white guy?

Owen: You a lesbian?
Kat: You a jackass?

Nick: [while sitting in a car spying] Stakeout, she says! Plant an obit, she says! Damned half my life I won't ever get back.
Kat: Because I'm so stimulated sittin' next to you?... What in the hell is the 'sawbuck switch'?

Kat: [referring to Ramon's love for Martha] Maybe he had some kind of fetish!
[Scotty shoots her an awkward look]
Kat: ... You know... she's a specific kind of woman...

Will: [entering Nick's apartment] Key still works.
Kat: [seeing the clutter] Whoa. Clearly, the maid don't.
Will: God, just when you think you know the guy.
Kat: Oscar needs a Felix.

Kat: I'm glad I was a single parent in the 90s and not the 60s.

Will: [seeing Nick's medical sheet] . Oh. Told me he passed his physical.
Kat: Dude's a time bomb.
Will: [seeing Nick's shattered wedding photo] It's worse than I thought.
Kat: What was her name again?
Will: Julie. Split up years ago.
Kat: Booze and pills definitely do not mix with photos of the ex.

Kat: Let me guess! Roy still plans on leaving his wife.
Shelly: We're in love.
Kat: You keep drinking that cool aid honey.

Scotty: Well, I'm Audi!
Kat: Audi? What, are you 16?
Scotty: Sorry granny! I must depart.